HI ‘Your Fit Day‘ Friends:
Last spring I decided to take my fitness business to a new level. With over 25 years experience in the fitness industry as a personal trainer; four years as a wellness coach; my experience in writing, producing and hosting my own fitness segments for ABC7 news in San Francisco; and along with my experience in sales as a life insurance agent (while also helping clients get fit for better rates), I knew it was time.
For what?
Well…to put it all together into my own global brand – Your Fit Day with DebbyK!
I needed some help with my vision so I sought out the help some coached, one which was John Spencer Ellis.

John Spencer Ellis! He is the owner of a fitness business coaching program called Fitness Fortunes. If you’re a fitness trainer – or maybe you’re super-fit but unfulfilled in your current job and that little voice keeps popping into your head saying: “hmmm, should I make that leap and live the life that I’ve been dreaming of, owning my own fitness business?” – you can check them out at www.fitnessfortunes.com
In order to launch all my innovative ideas and systems that will help the world stay healthy and fit I needed some help from those in the industry who had big brains, who were already successful, and who had made all of the mistakes for me! So I hopped on Google, got on some email lists of movers and shakers in the fitness industry, and started doing my research.
What I found was that there are a ton of fitness marketing kings out there claiming to be expert coaches and gurus who, in the end, don’t live up to their word.
Show me the money, right?
Well, not really. I mean yes, I want abundance and security, and trips to Fiji in my lifetime, don’t you? But not at the expense of selling health and fitness products or concepts that, I hate to admit, are mostly crap.
Who you gonna call?
So I needed someone who was great at shameless self promotion, could teach these subtle skills to me, and was on top of how to market the industry’s most current trends. John Spencer Ellis seemed like the ‘go to’ guy. I mean he has three multi-million dollar companies, so he’s obviously doing something right.
But I also had my laundry list of what I wanted in a coach. I wanted someone who had a down to earth presence; who, through the inflection in their voice, I could tell cared about you and your success;Â someone who was honest; someone who understood your challenges; and frankly someone who had a long history in the fitness industry and was an innovator. (JSE has been in the industry as long as I have, which is a very long time!).
What I liked about John is that after reading his story we had many similar qualities and life experiences. I could relate to him.
There are a lot of newbies in the industry who look great with their ripped abs, sign you up, super-sell their systems, and then leave you hanging, without any options to opt out.
So after my Google-ing and gabbing with others who had used fitness business coaches – some who paid close to $10,000 dollars without the support they expected – I settled on JSE .
1$ Buck signs you up!
Just click on anything remotely related to boot camps or fitness coaching and John Spencer Ellis pops up on the first page of Google. He does a great job of using the internet to promote his empire. I know, because as a certified trainer with the American College of Sports Medicine I was always getting his promotional links in my in-box.
So one day back in the spring of 2010 I decided to click on the link. John was offering a series of free videos that he promised would change my life and bring me to the next level of creating ‘my empire’. I think I must have trashed about six months of these offers before I decided to give him a try. I mean for $1 Buck I could get all this useful ‘free’ information on how to brand and grow my fitness business.
The first month was basically free with no obligation. So I gave up my buck and watched the videos. I had enough good information from that $1 Buck investment to quit the program then. But I didn’t.
You might ask, ‘Gee, if you got so much info from the $1 buck why continue?’
Now that’s a great question.
And here’s my main answer:
In that first month I really received so much useful information and support from John. Even though John new that I had only payed one dollar, and there was a 50% chance that I would take my info and run, he treated me like any other paying monthly Fitness Fortunes member.
In that first month John was able to tap into one of my main challenges. And with a few provoking questions John got down to my core, made me focus, and made me face my fears. All in that first month..for a dollar…that 1$ buck.
The Human Map Quest© For Your Fitness Business
Do you find yourself bombarded with so much information out there that you don’t even know where to start?
John has put together a one stop shop of resources for the fitness professional that helps you chart your own path down river without all the debris mucking up your engine.
Aside from the group coaching calls each month, and with webinars and tele-classes added each week, there’s a clear, self paced, step-by-step guide made available to all members. This makes it much easier to chart my path to success.
Sticking with Fitness Fortunes is like using Map Quest©-assuming it is updated for your area! You don’t get lost; waste time and gas; or find yourself stalled in a ditch by the side of the road.

I want to see how far I can go in building my own fitness empire with the right support; with less flats and the wheels always rolling.
Grab Your Mindset…Ready, Set, Go!
Just like getting into shape and staying fit, at some point if you want to expand and challenge yourself you need to step out of your comfort zone and train your brain. John Spencer Ellis is that coach; that cheerleader; that mentor; and that friend who everyone needs at some point in their lives. In my case it was to learn and acquire the skills needed to grow my business, as well as my mind, and bring abundance into my life as well as yours.
So follow me on my journey to creating my own ‘Fitness Fortune’.
Everything I learn from John and the programs that JSE offers will benefit YOU, my local and global ‘Your Fit Day‘ friends.
For now I will stay the course with Coach John Spencer Ellis and continually update you on my progress for the launch of my new Your Fit Day website.
Tell Me,… What Will Be Your Fitness Fortune?
Have you ever worked with a life, business or fitness or wellness coach? Maybe it was to start a fitness program, lose weight, train for an event, or start your own business.
Or maybe you’re a life or wellness coach or a personal trainer, and have some experiences you’d like to share?
I’d love to hear from you. Please leave your comments below.
Make It Your Fit Day with DebbyK!