HI Your Fit Day Friends!
Well Day 7 got off to a good start. Especially after my tour of the resort and walk on the beach with the conch man.
And like I said in my last post, I was dying to put my butt in those lounge chairs by the pool and relax. I mean, shorten the word RelaX and what do you have? Rx: A prescription for healing…So that is exactly what I intended to do.
And that’s not hard to do when your greeted by my friend Prahbu, the pool attendant-or should I say ‘pool boy’, which is how he referred to himself.
Then as I was laying back and taking this all in I noticed all the coconuts above me. Wow! Look! Complementary coconut water!! I was kind a hoping that one would just fall into my lap, without, of course, knocking my head off. And I must have been thinking aloud because Prabhu immediately took notice and offered to fix me a treat.
I mean a real Paleo treat. Something that was so yummy and refreshing that I ended up having another…..and another….and….well, watch the video:

I am so grateful for everything Prabhu has done for me today. He even went the extra mile and brought surprised me with this fresh treat from the coconut he felled for me.
Hey! It doesn’t get better than this!
He, works really really hard. Not just here at the pool where he provides ten star service to all the guests who park it by the pool; but everyday, from early in the morning into the wee hours of the following day.
You see, Prabhu, like most of the men who live near the resort, has been a fisherman since he was a little boy. He grew up in the village at the far end of the beach. Remember? In the video ?
He told me that his father died when he was five, leaving his mother to raise he and his younger brother. Since he was the older brother he became a fisherman to help support his family, and he never got to finish high school or enroll in college, like his younger brother has done. But that’s OK with Prahbhu.
So now, every night after his 1-8pm shift at the pool, he heads three miles out to sea in a small boat, with his friends as hired fishermen, to set lines, wait, and haul in the catch; which is then split among the group. Sometimes he doesn’t get back until 3am.
And if the catch is successful and he has fish to bring home, his mother cleans it and then walks the five to six kilometers to market, to sell it. Of course in the monsoon season they don’t go out to sea.

And check these out (left)… the hands of a real working man.
And on most days, after getting in so late, Prabhu tells me he is up early with his friends, playing beach volleyball, soccer or cricket and being super active.
On the day I met Prabhu it was after one of those long nights, and early athletic mornings, and he was happy and full of energy, despite a ‘no catch’ night.
Prabhu may work long hard hours but he loves his life. He is engaged to be married in February, is genuinely happy, and living the life he wants. Prabhu says he wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m glad for that, since his commitment, caring, and genuine love for people, topped with his energy, transcend his work, all which make a great recipe for healing…my healing potion!
When I think about it I can’t imagine having been sent home on Day 3 day post op for recovery, like they do here in the U.S. So, coconuts aside, I’m sure I wouldn’t have had this experience in the U.S.; especially when I’d be recovering in my apartment, by myself, for the most part.
What’s so special about recovering here in India, and what I’ve found that I’ve needed, is the constant ‘companion’ who’s always at your service…all day, all night..any hour. (Achem! for those of you who are letting your minds wander, please, this is a PG rated blog….!)
Potions For Healing
India is truly full of love, peacefulness and positive energy; and it shines through in all the people who I’ve met and befriended.
And this has become my elixir for healing. OK… Of course, not to mention I’m eating Paleo-healthy tasty Indian food, drinking lots of coconut water, and doing my daily exercise routines that I’ve been posting in some of my blogs. Mix all of this together and you’ve got yourself the best recipe for healing, as well as a happy and healthy life.
Hey! Are you doing the same, and following my fitness routines that I’m posting in my blog?!! Because I guarantee that if you do you will be strong and fit and lean and you’ll be ready to take on any challenge that comes your way…Like I have.
So stay tuned for my next post where I personally give you a walking tour of the Fisherman’s Cover resort AND the beach. You won’t want to miss it.
My Question Is This…
Have any of you had this kind of experience in India or another foreign country? I’d love to hear from you.
Leave your comment below.
Your Friend and Trainer
Make It Your Fit Day