Hi Your Fit Day Friends!
So by now you’ve had a tour of my room here at Fisherman’s Cove. After my yummy meal I settled in and tried to get a much needed nights sleep. I woke up at about 5:30 wanting to toss and turn, but couldn’t roll over, so instead I decided to move myself smack to the middle of the bed so I could have more support around me and hug my buffet of feathered body pillows.
But….then I had to go to the bathroom. Now this can be traumatic and send anyone who’s just had major surgery-and has spent most of the night trying to get as snuggled as one can after surgery-into a panic! I mean, there’s a lot of energy and gymnastics involved to get from your bed to the bathroom; especially when you’re bunked down in the middle of a king size bed in a cave of pillows supporting your every limb. So I had to think hard if I really needed to go. Yup! I did.
Well, at least I’m getting better at it and it’s less painful than two days ago. But moving this limb still feels like a ton of bricks. So I didn’t get much of a restful night… but I’m excited to show you around this healing haven.
OK! Last night when I arrived at Fisherman’s Cove it was dark so I had no idea of just how paradisaical this place is. But when I woke up and opened my window here’s what I saw:

I just stood there-like a stork on one leg- and took it all in. I mean, when I looked out the window form the Apollo I saw guys hanging from the side of the building cleaning the windows of the Rain Tree hotel, a parking lot, a two lane road packed with honking vehicles, and a post apocalyptic glow from all the smog.
From the moment I arrived my senses were tantalized with the cachophony of birds, the thick humid air, rustle of palms in the occasional breeze, and the crashing of waves along the beach, in the distance.
I couldn’t wait to get downstairs and check it all out… starting with the breakfast buffet that comes with the room! It’s an ‘all you can eat’ buffet, and they will cook anything to your specifications. So I ordered enough to carry me through my late breakfast/brunch, with enough for an afternoon meal too!
The Fisherman’s Cove is used to having us Hippies and it’s their unofficial custom to provide excellent follow up care for those of us who stay here after the Apollo Hospital.
And boy did I really got the royal princess treatment from the moment I checked in. Which suits me fine. In fact I think ‘royal princess’ is in my blood. I mean, according to my mother, I’m a descendant of Count Dracula-which could explain my nocturnal habits-so I believe that would qualify me as having Romanian princess blood running through my veins!
Anyway, while sitting at my table I got personal visits from many department heads of staff who came over to introduce themselves, and to make sure my first night was grand. It was just like holding court! One right after the other they came, to make sure that all my accommodations were met.
Really, I felt honored.
First the IT manager came over and said that he was ‘at my service’.
Then the hotel manager came over to greet me.
Then the head of housekeeping came to let me know that he would be bringing more pillows. He also suggested more towels, more water, a raised toilet seat

and a bath mat so I wouldn’t slip on the lovely marble. Who’s to complain. And when I got back to my room that late afternoon this is what I saw! (left)
And this:

At the breakfast Buffet Chef Manas made me my omelet, a farmers market bounty of grilled veggies, and whipped me up my protein shake made with coconut water and my Green Vibrance mixed in (great for healing); plus he sent me up to my room with two extra

large glasses of fresh pressed coconut water. I downed the protein shake and a glass coconut water, had some decaf coffee and then headed back to my room to do my exercises and eat my yummy meal and drink more coconut water that chef Manas had sent along with the meal. I was O.D’.ing on coconut water! Not a bad thing under the circumstances!….
DebbyK’s Workout in a box!
Here’s what my workout looked like. I did it in a really small space up in my room, like a 5ft x 6ft space…in about 45 minutes. And that was with hobbling. So you can do this, and probably much quicker, too!
Do Max reps til failure
Set One: Do one right after the other
Bench Push Ups
Bench dips
Robin Hood Pulls( Video coming)
X 3 Rounds
Set Two:
Band Shoulder Press Alternating Arms X 4 sets
Band Chest Fly alternating sides X 4 sets
Band Rear Delt Pulls alternating sides X 3 sets
Band Close Back pulls Alternating sides X 3
Band Biceps alternating arms X 3
Band Tricep overhead extensions alternating sides x 3
Side bends 20 per side

After getting my body moving I showered and ate my yummy omelet, inhaled some more fresh coconut water, and headed back down to show you the lobby, and then I decided to take a buggy ride and check out what will be my paradise for the next five days.
But first, here’s the video I took this morning of the beautiful lobby and what I saw last night when I arrived:
Magical Mystery Tour
Then I went exploring in the buggy and took a short walk on the beach with the Conch Man, who offered to walk with me, and who is one of many that come daily to sell their shells to tourists. Well, looking around there was only me, and one other lone guy reading his book on lounge chair, so I really I think he just wanted me to buy his conch shells. But I really wasn’t in the market for shells.
After I got back exploring from the buggy ride my legs and feet were pretty swollen and I was getting pooped. Yup! Me, worn out, done in, after twenty minutes! But those chez lounge chairs by the pool were looking really comfy and inviting. And seeing that it was my job post surgery to relax and repair, I decided to take advantage of the complementary services and headed on over to sit on one by a tree, and take in my first day here instead of heading up to my room. What an amazing place this is.
As Indian custom would have it I was greeted by the pool boy who showered me with care and made a special Indian treat.
You definitely won’t want to miss the next blog post and video!
So stay tuned…
And while you’re waiting…
…why not do the ‘DebbyK! Workout In A Box’, above. It’s just one of the many I have designed for those who are limited in space and time challenged. And they’re really keeping me in shape while I’m recovering.
If you have any questions on how to do the exercises then leave a comment below. I will be posting a video of these exercises soon, so keep checking back.
Your Trainer and Friend,
Make It Your Fit Day