One thing I especially liked about these pillows is that they’re really versatile. I mean not only were they great for the plane, where I could place them underneath my butt, against the small of my back, behind my neck, and against the hard side when lying with my butt against the arm rest. But at home they are great for reading in bed and propping yourself up and supporting your neck.
So I decided to put together a long awaited products and equipment page on this website that I’ll continue to update.
And if we will be using certain equipment or products for a workout or recipe I’ll make sure to have the links directly on that blog post, for your convenience.
So click on over here to check these pillows out. The blue C Curve neck pillow would make a perfect holiday gift, along with a book or cozy blanket; or maybe even a plane ticket to that favorite tropical island you want to bring your sweetie to!!
Remember, I try everything out before I suggest them to you. I know it’s only my opinion, but I rarely guarantee something. And I guarantee you will not be disappointed with these finds.
I’ve already had three people who have bought them based on my experience. If you do happen to get one or all of these, let me know how you like them and be sure to leave a comment for all the other readers too!
Thanks you guys!
Your Trainer, Coach, Friend, and now Personal Shopper!!
Day 4. It was a ‘regular’ day. Hurray! Well what I mean is, if you’ve ever had anesthesia, and have been pumped full of fluids and pain meds, you’re probably not!
Regular that is…if you get my drift!!
Ha! Finally…
But, still, I’m not getting much sleep and just accept this for what it is. It’s got to get better, right? Last night was better, but still pretty hard.
Instead of sleeping with the bed raised, my PT, Pondian, suggested I might try and lower it a bit. So I started with the bed at about 30 degrees angle. I’m not sure at this stage in recovery that I will truly find that optimal sleeping position since the sweating and ripping pain in my thigh poke their heads in at their convenience. It’s like someone tapping you on the shoulder every 2 hours and asking you “do you feel that?”
But I sure do hope I find it soon. I just keep imagining being me three or four weeks from now. But really, wouldn’t it nice to have a remote like Adam Sandler had in the movie ‘Click? Remember that? How cool would that be, to be able to fast forward your recovery and wake up 10 days later at the Fisherman’s Cove Resort!
Trying to forget about my body was what I needed. Someone and/or something to take me away from it all. I remembered that I had downloaded Peggy Huddleston’s Healing tapes to my iPod, so I turned to her for some meditation and relaxation techniques. It really helped. I replayed it at least three times, following her cues which helped me to relax my entire body, while the sound of a heart beat thumped in the background.
I bought this at a suggestion from others who have been in my same situation. I highly recommend this CD set, even if it’s just to get away from the daily grind and there is no surgery pending. The heart beat alone lulls you into another world. I’ve made it really simple and attached the link where you can pick this up at a great price:
It really relaxed me and lulled me into sleep, at least for a couple hours!
I know this discomfort can’t possibly last, no way….
But hey, I have a new hip and I know this just comes with the package.
Swimming Anyone?
At 2AM I woke up. My legs were swelling and I was sweating buckets again, and my stomach distended and in a lot of discomfort.
I was sopping, so I rang my bell and I asked the lovely kind nurses to change the sheets. BTW: The nurses were there in less than a minute. And As I waited for them to change the linen, I went from the inconvenient sleeping position of my bed, to the possible, yet very uncomfortable option of sitting in a chair. You know, the one that I was doing here, in Day 2. So I hung out as best as I could, leaning onto the good side of my tush and waited til I could hobble back into bed.
Since I was off pain meds and wanted to keep that ways so I could start getting the toxins out and stay regular (sorry if too much information), I asked for some Ibuprofen. Actually it’s what the nurses finally suggested, after first trying to pump me with more Ultracet /(Tramidol).
But I just didn’t want that sick-to-my-stomach feeling, and nausea, that has been plaguing me throughout the day; and plumbing problems to boot. And the Dr. suggested I try to get off the pain meds if I could. I wasn’t exactly in pain if I didn’t move. It was the fact that I couldn’t move, other body parts were getting numb and sore, like my heels, and if I tried to move the pain at the incision felt like it was tearing and ripping. But a good NAISD would certainly do the trick. So I held my ground, and got the Ibu.
There has also been an issue with getting enough cold packs, after asking for a few days. Finally, I think it was Dr. Biss, Dr. Bose’s assistant, said they could get me the gel packs that you can freeze, like the two I brought with me. That was during the day when he came to visit. But it seemed like hours before they actually could find them from the hospital.
So for those of you on your way to the Apollo, either bring a few that you can rotate around the clock, or ask them to bring some down from the hospital. Otherwise you get the old brick kind.
And on Day 8 I did come to find from the doctors at Apollo that there is another NSAID that relieves pain and is better than Ibuprofin. I’m not sure why the nurses couldn’t give it to me. I could be because it’s an Rx and they need the doctors signature. It’s called Etoshine 90.
So if you’re coming to India or getting surgery or in pain and already take Ibuprofin, you may want to look into this, but do your research first.
Good Morning, Sunshine
At 6AM, right on schedule, lights go on, cuff around my arm, pressure building up in my bicep and thermometer under other arm as the daily regime of tests continues. Hmmm! Just wondering…how is it really possible to get good sleep around here unless you go to bed at 8pm! Hard to do when dinner is served at 7:30pm. But it’s par for the course and of course compulsive me I has to ask for my metrics…and all was perfect, by the way!!
After that doozy of a night I slept in ’til 9:30AM
For this morning PT I was walking much better, felt better than Day 3, and walked up stairs. On Day 3!! Look at me now…:)!
And that afternoon I was walking at a much faster snails pace. And then after PT was over I didn’t feel like getting back into bed so I started doing stuff around my room.
First I went to the bathroom. Then, since I was just a few steps from the kitchen, I ‘crutched’ myself over there. And after walking around in the little kitchen area I felt pretty capable so I just started doing stuff…
Next I made Tea. And it’s easy to do with these cool ninja tea makers that everyone has. You just add a bottle of water, click a switch and in 1 minute your water is done. They need these in the US!
Then I brought stuff over to my bed. For instance, my coffee mug that has a seal-able lid, that I brought with me from the US. It’s great. You can basically dump it upside down and nothing will spill. Like a sippy cup for grown ups! Not a plug, but you can get it at Smart and Final store!
After that I did more band exercises, pushups against the table, and dips on my walker. I was on a little roll…
Oh, and check this out: I can lift myself out of bed using my triceps. You know, like how gymnasts lift themselves up a few inches when they are doing floor exercises, with with their feet out. But of course I can’t keep my leg straight and lift both my leg and my body off the bed. What I can do is get to the side of the bed easier by using my triceps muscles and maneuver myself to the side of the bed and then lift myself up when my feet are hanging off the side of the bed. Good for the core too.
Aaaaand! Almost forgot: I put on my pants by myself tonight after graduating to real clothes this afternoon. I’m out of the hospital gowns and can wear my own cotton tank that I sleep in at home. I brought my JPL tank top, the one I got from my little brother when he worked at JPL in Pasadena. It keeps me close to him. I know his spirit is close by and his energy is helping me heal
And check out my PM PT session:
Day 4 of hip surgery is generally your first shower day. For some reason I waited til the afternoon. Mmmm! It felt so good to be fresh and clean. Feeling fresh after 3 days of not showering and sweating a tsunami can make anyone’s attitude change for the positive. I’m much cheerier and people are noticing.
Dinner was fish again with classic Indian spices, made to order, with my veggies, but I was too full to finish it all. Going from being extremely active and burning thousands of calories during a day to hardly moving my body doesn’t know how to digest all of this food. I sure do hope my body is using it to rebuild me and make me strong.
And after dinner I turned on the TV which I thought I’d never do. But I needed some diversion and I don’t watch it back in the States. So this was a treat to get to watch the European and Asian news channels, which were in English.
A Matter of Time
I do have to say that the fist three nights post op were not tear free. It is an emotional ride and pain can bring anyone down, no matter how brave and strong. So I just let the tears come when they do and know it will get better and consider it as a natural detox for my mind and body, knowing it too will pass and I will become myself again.
Same said for my body . It has morphed into something and someone I don’t recognize. But I look in the mirror and there I am, DebbyK. Strong, dedicated, motivated, and someone who never gives up. I can train my body back into it’s fit lean self.
I am still visualizing walking at Fisherman’s Cove resort, where I will be going next; and doing things myself. From what I accomplished on my own today I believe I will be able to do most everything soon, except maybe driving and laundry and grocery shopping.
And when doing my exercises I visualize my shiny new BHR doing it’s job. I can’t wait to see what I can do 1 week from now.
I know and believe I will come back stronger, and slowly my body will morph back. I consider this just another challenge; and what an exciting challenge. I mean, hey, I can build my body into anything I want again. It’s all up to me. I have thirty years of knowledge in the fitness and wellness industry behind me, so there’s no stopping me now!
And over the past several months all of the new systems I’ve been using, like TRX, Kangoo Boots, Ultimate Sandbag, have been new ways to train my body. And I’m really excited to create some great new workouts using my own body weight and these new innovative systems to get back into shape and prove that you don’t necessarily need a gym to get the body you want. For the first 6-12 weeks it will be mainly my body weight, TRX, bands and maybe the Sandbag with minimal weight for Core only.
But no worries! These are workout you will be able to do too. And I promise that they will get you into shape. Just follow my progress after surgery, you’ll see…!
All you need is YOU! OK! And me and my blog to help you through!!
So stay tuned and follow my blog and follow my workouts. Because if I can do it after a hip surgery, then anyone can. And I’ promise I’ll have some great workouts for you soon.
Hey! Do you still want to get that sexy summer bod?
Or, maybe you’re on the rebound from a joint injury…
Or, maybe you’re just looking for that cool piece of equipment that is super fun and will get you fit and lean in a short amount of time…
Or, you just like toys!
OK! So, remember I told you that I would find ways to work out to keep me in super duper shape before my pending hip surgery?
Well, I had this super idea that I could design running shoes with springs on the bottom that would take the impact off my joints and it would be less painful to walk and super fun to use, as well as keep my booty in shape. But then I said, “Hmm! Why invent the wheel when somebody else has done the work for me? Why not ask the Kangoo Jump people to help me?”
So that’s what I did.
And I think these Boots were made for YOU!
Boots Not Just Made For Walking!
My first try with the Kangoo jumps was back in June. It had been raining the last couple weeks in May so I had to put trying the boots out on hold. But finally the clouds separated, and the sun shined through and I got off my ball ( I use a stability ball as my desk chair) and decided to hop down to the Lake. No, I hadn’t put the boots on just yet. That was actually a pun. And since it takes too long to hobble on my hip, I got in my car and headed 4 blocks to Lake Merritt.
Another Lake Merrit July Drama Sunset
But something compelled me to take a detour and instead I drove over to the Piedmont High School track where there wouldn’t be any stray ducks, dogs or pelicans underfoot; I could count on level ground; and there was no chance of bouncing into the lake…with the pelicans.
Pelicans at Lake Merritt, Oakland, CA
I’ll tell you this: in retrospect, walking down the steps to the track in my Chaco sandals and getting onto the track was actually the hardest part. Because once I put on the Kangoo Jumps it was shear joy to ‘walk’ and ‘run’ and just be able to amble pain free.
Check These Out
All Kangoos are a cool, ninja, space age ski/roller blade-like boot design with cambered curved springs on the bottom. And they’re reasonably light, and lighter than roller blades-well, at least my roller blades-with just enough weight to give you the right amount of stability and a good workout. I mean, you’re still lifting boots with every hop!
My feet in Kangoo Jumps
Getting into them was pretty quick and easy. Adjusting the cleats no problem. Figuring out the pressure to secure them was hit or miss and I probably will need a few more romps before they feel comfortable around the shin.
The track wasn’t crowed but just carrying the boots in my hand drew attention to me. I wasn’t going to complain about that. I’m a fitness diva, remember!
In fact, I’m hoping that I can get more people involved in using these boots and coming to my bootcamps. (HA! HA! Boot Camps! Kangoo Style!)
Once I had them securely on my feet I was like the Jolly Green Giant. I was amazed at how stable they were. Everyone kept asking me if I felt like I would topple over or twist my ankle. Absolutely NOT. Have you ever felt like you would fall over in ski boots? (assuming the ski is not attached to the boot and you’re not ripping down a mountain). There is absolutely no inclination to fall over. And that is a good thing! seeing that I’m only planning on having ONE surgery.
Giving It a Go On My Kangoo Jumps
Because this was my first adventure out in my Kangoos I didn’t want to over do it. They say to hop around, up and down, break them in. So I tried that, but was pretty tentative, babying my hip. But I soon realized that the boots actually roll you forward and the impact isn’t directly on your hip. So I became more bold, and set off down the track… at a slow run. And behold, I was bouncing with no burn in my joint.
The track is 1/4 mile around. After three times around-running, walking, hopping, and repeating that-I was already working up a sweat and I could feel my running muscles in my legs-the ones I hadn’t worked in that running way since December ’10- start to come alive. I felt alive! And free……..
I spent 15 minutes Kangooing and by the time I stopped I felt like I had instead sprinted up a mountain. It was that good of a workout and my legs and glutes felt pumped. All without any pain in my hip joint. In fact, my hip feels better in these boots running and walking than I do ambling, or more like hobbling right now, on my own two feet, whether in my shoes or Vibram 5 Fingers.
Here’s a video of me in San Francisco bouncing in my boots:
Putting The Spring Back Into Your Life
The Kangoo Jumps are designed to take up to 80% of the impact off your joints. So for those of you who have osteoarthritis in your hips or knees (I’m not sure about back pain but you can check out their website) and have had to give up your favorite sport or activity you may have a second chance. So I highly recommend these Kangoo Jumps for anyone who has had to give up their favorite impact activity, things like hiking, trekking, and even martial arts, due to joint pain in their knees and hips and possibly back. Because you can do all of these sports in Kangoo Boots. Obviously do your research and consult with your doctor first. I certainly did before I started using them.
In fact, I contacted one of the leading hip surgeons in the world, Dr. Koen De Smet, to get his opinion and approval. And after he reviewed the website he said that they were suitable for what I wanted to do, and as long as it I didn’t hurt I was fine.
Boots for your Booty
I have to admit I was getting a bit soft in the inner thigh and butt since I wasn’t able to run in the hills or do any of the sprint training that I love to do for the past several months. But in the past month I have seen a noticeable difference in the tone of my inner thighs, quads and butt and the Kangoo jumps have miraculously toned up my legs in just this short amount of time.
And here’s a bonus for those of you who have some extra weight to lose: They say that you burn twice as many calories using the Kangoo Boots and that 30 minutes in your Kangoos is like an hour in your normal training shoes. That’s not hard to believe. After bouncing around San Francisco and Lake Merritt for just 30 minutes a pop these past few weeks it felt like I had done a six mile trail run in the Berkeley hills.
So, not only are these a great workout, burn calories, tone up your booty, and are a hoot to use, they are a time saver as well. What’s not to like about them!
What’s Next ?
So, my game plan is to Kangoo Jump for the next two months which will take me up to the week that I leave for overseas for my hip surgery. There will be no more Kangoo jumping for at least 10 months after surgery. But I’ll have other exercises that I will be doing to keep our butts in shape, literally!
So be sure to follow my blog, and watch the videos, for more cool stuff that will keep your legs toned, your booty nice and round, and your body fit and lean.
Stay tuned for more Kangoo Jump videos so you can get the ‘JUMP on fitness!’
First, I want to let you know that there’s a super workout posted at the bottom of this blog and anyone can do it, even if you don’t have a TRX, yet!
I’ve been working away at my TRX training to help strengthen my hip, glutes (butt) and core muscles, before my surgery this fall, and I wanted to update you on my progress. Even if you don’t have a TRX ( I know, it also took me a while to become a convert!) there are variations of all of these exercises you can do using a stability ball, bench, cables at the gym, or a mat. I’ll be sure to update you with some tutorials on variations for those of you who don’t yet have a TRX.
Think Outside The Box (You know…As in Gym)
The beauty of TRX system is that everyone can do the exercises and follow the many routines. However, they can be varied depending on your needs and ability. TRX even has an entire rehab series which, for now, is what my program will mostly be based on. So as I get used to the system and get stronger Ed Le Cara will show me how to increase the load and make the exercise more challenging simply by making micro changes in my body positioning.
I can see how, at times, this can be so much better than a machine at the gym. At the gym you can only increase the load by 5 lbs, unless they have those small weights that you add onto the stack. But they are so inconvenient, since you have to spend an extra few minutes scouting them out.
And then after you find them-if your machine hasn’t been snatched by someone else-and you spend another minute trying to configure them onto the stack while staying put between the pulley system, or you dangle them from the pin in makeshift fashion, they end up bouncing off in the middle of a set. Right? Hasn’t that happened to you?!
With the TRX all you need to do is change your body position just an inch or two while working in any of the three planes, which will either increase or decrease the load.
So for example, if you’re in a position and find it too difficult to make it past a few reps to complete the set then all you have to do is adjust your foot distance from the anchor and…Presto! the movement becomes easier and you can concentrate on your form and breathing and get the work done.
So even in the middle of a set you can make these micro adjustments so the continuity of the exercise, and set programming is not lost. And as you get stronger you can move farther away from the anchor point which is like putting extra weight on a machine. Only now YOU are the machine!
Now that’s intuitive training to me.
And just as examples you can also add weights, kettle bells, and the Ultimate Sandbag into the mix for even a more intense workout. And remember, you can do all of this at home or in a park, anywhere and everywhere.
As I progress I’ll have more workouts for you too!
Fit For My Hip
Here are the first few exercises that Ed Le Cara, the Master TRX Rehab Guru, gave me that literally kicked my butt. They had me going in a sweat in a matter of minutes! The breakdown of my workout is below the videos.
Before I jump into my workout I like to warm up with what I call Running Man’s (Mountain Climbers) for a few minutes. You can also skip rope or do high knee running in place.
Then I will go through this routine on my leg and glute targeted days, as well as another day in between.
For added intensity and to keep your metabolism stoked you can add 30 seconds to 1 minute of skipping rope, high knee stepping, running mans, or even marching in place in between each set. Since my hip can’t take much jumping right now, I have gone from skipping rope to doing ‘running man’ instead, and it still kicks my butt.
The plank exercises I try to weave in throughout my workouts on most days, to work on shoulder and scapula (the wings of your back!) stabilization. You can do regular planks on the mat or using a ball or even a bench or chair.
Note: Start with the lower number of reps until you feel comfortable with the movement. You will feel a burn in your hamstrings for sure!
TRX Beginning Glute/Core Workout
Round 1
Bridge: Hold 10 seconds, lower, repeat 10 reps
Hamstring curl with hip extension: 8-12 reps
Hamstring curl single leg: 5-15 reps
Lunge: 10-15 each leg (Watch video where I did 40 on each leg! My butt, legs, and even the muscles in my feet were burning!)
Repeat this sequence 2-3 times
Round 2
Supine Plank with Pushup: Hold 7-10 seconds for 8 reps, (rest at bottom for 3-5 sec between each plank)
TRX Resisted Rotation (eccentric and concentric) 5 plus, til you fatigue.
Repeat this sequence 2-3 times
This is just the beginning. I have more exercises that I have learned that will get your butt and legs in super shape. And the TRX is ALWAYS working your core, even when you’re not doing the core specific exercises.
OH! Now that the weather is nice I’m toting my TRX to the pool, hooking it up to the lifeguard chair after my swim and deep water pool run, and exploring my core. I just love it that much!
Does your program give you these results?
Get with the program!
And be sure to let me know how I can help you by leaving your comment below.
Make it YourFit Day!
With DebbyK!
P.S.: Remember, I am not in anyway prescribing these exercises to cure any skeletal or muscle problems you may have. And always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program!
Last update I mentioned putting together a team of experts who could help me get prepared for my upcoming hip surgery. I needed to start thinking outside of the box regarding my current routine, and putting in other methods of training that would still keep me in peak physical shape. And Since I didn’t want to compromise my current level of strength and fitness, the workouts would still have to be challenging enough to work my entire body and keep me fit.
In May I visited with Ed Le Cara at Sports Plus in Pleasanton, CA where he assessed my body for weaknesses. After an hour of all sorts of tests where I lunged, squatted, and walked over knee high barriers like I was in the Westminster Dog Show, Ed had enough information to put together a program for me to work on for a few weeks.
Here is quick video of Ed’s TRX training studio. I wish I had a studio like Ed’s!
What is a TRX?
I had a lot of people ask me: what is this TRX you speak of? Well, I’ll let this guy tell you all about it… and I betcha your fingers will skip on over to that link below to get your own. And if you’re not convinced by then, well…just keep re looping the video, and at least you’ll get a good ab workout from laughing so much!
You can also check them out here; and yes, I’m an affiliate because I love them so much!!
In the next few months you will learn more exercises as I progress through my pre hab program with ED. And since TRX is the future of fitness NOW, I intend to get certified in the TRX system.
The Power Of The TRX System
The beauty of using the TRX is that it can help strengthen muscle weaknesses as well as build upon the strength and muscle you already have, creating a fit, stronger and better balanced body. So for my Prehab it is challenging enough for all my needs.
With the TRX you can perform 100’s of exercises that enable you to build strength, power, agility, balance, mobility (definitely something I will be working on pre and post hip surgery); as well as lose weight and get that lean green machine you always dreamed of. You can work at the intensity you choose simply by shifting your body position. It’s that simple.
Fitness In A Bag
The TRX is easy to set up, and packed in it’s own small mesh bag it’s no larger than one of The SAK bags I hauled my junk around in the 90’s! Remember those little bags?
And it only takes a few minutes to set up, using the door anchor, wall mount or slinging it over a tree, for instance. You can have your own gym in your home, office, at the park, or even at the gym.
A gym at the gym?
Trust me, it’s not like taking sand to the beach! Because when it’s cold and wet outside simply stow this in your backpack, take it to the gym, loop it over a high bar, and never wait for equipment again!
Let’s get into shape!
The TRX will be the one of the main pieces of equipment that I’ll be implementing into my current exercise program. And not to worry because all of the equipment that I use and the exercises that I do, whether for Pre-hab or for my daily workout, are exercises and routines that you can do too.
So don’t just think that you have to be injured to do these exercises in my videos coming in the next posts. Because believe you me, they can be very challenging. And if you work on weaving these into your routine, or even if you’re just starting a fitness program, these exercises will be more than enough to get you going.
Remember, all of the equipment that I use and the exercises that I do will get you into the best shape of your life. So follow me on my blog so we can get into and stay in the best shape of our lives.
I can’t wait to learn more exercises with the TRX and pass them along to all of you. In fact, I plan to become a TRXher! Get it?!! Ha! Ha!
I hope you’re all enjoying the spring weather. Here in the Bay Area  we’ve had some pretty picture-perfect days. And the days are still getting longer.
Hey! You know what that means, don’t you? More daylight hours… for… ex-er-cising! So no excuses; at least for the next 6 months, anyway.
Go enjoy the great outdoors and make fitness fun. Grab your kids-or someone else’s-and Go Go Go. Visit your National parks, (hurry, while you still time, since many are set to close in September). Play on the swing-sets. Bike the trails, and run in them thar hills!!
Hey! Speaking of running…that’s something I won’t be able to do for a while, and I wanted to give you an update on your trainer’s life.
My Hippy News
In my Part I of Key to Pain Free I mentioned seeing a second surgeon after I was ‘misdiagnosed’ by the first. Â The first surgeon, let’s call him Dr. Compassion (not!), advised Motrin daily; told me to come back in six months if I was still in pain; and, without even looking at an X ray or MRI, told me I was too young for any type of surgery and to come back when I was closer to age 60, and sent me packing.
Huh? Â I see. Â At my HMO it’s obviously all about patient care!
Let me give you a brief synopsis of our email conversations:
Dr. Compassion: (no x-ray to look at, but moves my leg around, taking all of 1 minute) “Yup, just as I thought, you have arthritis.”
Debby: “Gee doc, everyone my age and even younger has a little bit of arthritis. I’m in a lot of pain. It came on suddenly. I had a weight training injury in June of 2010, I train a lot. I really think we should think about stress fracture of hip and/or possible labral tear, seeing that I have been quite an avid runner all my life, as well as a myriad of other sports.”
Dr. C.: “Nope. Even I have it.(he’s sitting back down at his computer now) It’s arthritis. Do you get pain in here?” Â He says, Â talking to his computer screen and pointing to his lower back. I’m assuming the statement is directed towards me, but with no eye contact it’s kind of hard to tell. He keeps scrolling back and forth, up and down looking for something, obviously not my X-ray. I just keep wondering… ‘what’s so much more important than his live patient in front of him?’
Debby: “Huh? No, I don’t. It’ in my hip, the top of my butt. I can’t squat right”, as I get up off the table and hobble two steps over to the door, the only free space in the room.
“Look, watch me squat; look at my right leg, how it doesn’t rotate out like the left. It’s stuck. This makes it hard to work. And look at my hips. I’m like a tea kettle when poured, off kilter. Something isn’t right. I can feel it, look Dr. _…”, I’m pleading. He turns his head around for a split second as I’m squatting, then quickly turns back to the computer screen. What on earth is on that screen? What is so much more interesting to evaluate than his live deformed patient, standing sqautting right in front of him?
Dr. C.: “Yah, arthritis, like I said. That happens.”
Debby: “Listen, I know my body and something is going on here more than a little arthritis. I need this fixed. I need to be able to do my job, teach my boot camp style class that I just licensed, and build out my new fitness website with  my workout videos for online training. I need to be able to move without pain, be nimble…you know, be in good form for presenting great content to my viewers, who depend on me for their workouts. This is my job.”
Dr. C.: “Well, my advice to you is to change your lifestyle. You can stand on the sidelines like the football coaches who yell at the players, and do just like they do. And I’m not going to give you surgery so you can do some You Tube videos and teach a ‘boot camp’. My suggestion is to start thinking about your lifestyle and change it. Do yoga, swim, walk. Now, Â go home, take Motrin. Â Then, Â stretch it when you don’t feel pain, and keep stretching farther and farther, Â and maybe some of that flexibility will come back.”
Huh? Did he just tell me what I think he did? Stretching is his answer? Stand around and yell? Don’t they have a reality show for that?
Debby: “Listen Dr. C.  I’ve been in the fitness industry my entire life. I’m young, strong and extremely athletic. I have many more years. I’m not here to talk about career changes. I’m here to rule out the possibility of a stress fracture or labral tear that could be casuing this malfunctioning hip. [OK?] I need resolution.  And even if I were to take  Motrin-which I will not-how long am I supposed to take it for? What’s your plan? Do you even have a plan?”
Do HMO’s have a plan for patients anyway, or is all the bottom line for the HMO? This is NOT a trick question.
Dr. C.: “I would say come back in six months. And if it’s still the same or worse then we can do an MRI, maybe. But I want to see the X-ray first. And if it’s arthritis, like I’m sure it is, then we wouldn’t fix a labral tear anyway.”
Debby: “Well, I don’t want to take Motrin indefinitely if you have no game plan, and you won’t give me an MRI. That’s ridiculous. I need to know NOW what this is. And if the X-ray doesn’t show a stress fracture then I want an MRI; I am entitled to one.”
Dr. C.: “Get the X-ray. I’m sure I am right. Oh, and don’t bother making another appointment. You can just email me and we can discuss your options online. Â Save your co-pay . Now, I have to get going I’m late.”
And he slid out the door trying to make a getaway.
Late? I waited for over an hour, he spends 15 minutes with me, max, and he’s late? This is my hip.This is my life. ‘I’m in pain here Doc’, I was screaming inside.(I had just started with M.A.T. again)
I shoved all my stuff into my backpack, slung it over my shoulder, half open, and I rushed after him down the hall.
Debby: “Wait, what do you mean I can just email you? What about patient/doctor relationships? Why are you so concerned with my co-pay?” And he was through.
In the big picture, when you want a resolution, that co-pay is insignificant. And emailing your provider at my HMO only allows 1000 characters per email. Now, assuming you’ve been reading my blogs that’s hardly a conversation for this blogger.
I want one-to-one interaction; I’m entitled to one-to-one interaction with my provider; And, hey! I pay my HMO membership!
Well, I didn’t wait for him to email me, nor did I set up that one to one with him. I high tailed it online to my former shoulder surgeon, and in under 1000 characters she was able to find me a wonderful, compassionate, caring female orthopedic surgeon who happened to be a competitive runner, skier, swimmer herself, and was privy to my pleas for help. Let’s call her Dr. Yours Truly Compassionate.
But I wasn’t going to see Dr. Yours Truly until I made sure I had my MRI. And getting that was like finding water on Mars.
The Expansion Of Black Holes
Sometimes, trying to get through the HMO system is like falling into a black hole. And once you get stuck in their vortex you have to be pretty strong to pull yourself out to get something done, and in a timely manner.
Well, since I was stuck in the HMO vortex, for now, I had to resort to their emailing system. Â And since I could only write 1000 characters at a time, I was usually cut off mid sentence, even half word. So it took me quite a few emails to finally get through to that first doc and get my MRI.
Here’s how that conversation went:
Debby: “O.K. Dr.C., so you say I have moderate arthritis. But I am entitled to an MRI, and I’m entitled to a second opinion. And I’d like to have the MRI first. I need to see exactly what is going on inside my body so I can move forward, make a plan, and visualize the healing and get on with the process.”
Doc: “Like I said, take the Motrin and if that doesn’t work then we can go in a different direction. There is nothing you can do about the arthritis. Change your lifestyle. You may have to give up some things”
Debby: ” I’m telling you, something is wrong with the structure of my body. I can tell. And I can’t move forward if I don’t know what’s wrong. Â I can’t start my group exercise camps. At least if I have an MRI we can rule out what it’s not. I use my body to make my income. People are depending on me to provide workouts on my website. I depend on my body like you do on your hands for surgery. Please, I want my MRI.”
Am I actually begging my HMO?!
Doc: ” I am 100% sure that it is only arthritis as we see it in the X-ray. And it’s moderate arthritis at that. You are not a candidate for surgery with moderate arthritis. There is no reason for an MRI. Â ”
Debby: “Listen, nobody is 100% sure unless they are God!. Just please order the MRI. Look at it this way, if there is nothing in the MRI then you can pat yourself on the back, and you were right. But if something else shows up then we will all be happy, and we can move forward and fix the problem. But I can’t wait 6 months to find out. And you should not make me wait six months. Well, if you don’t order the MRI now, then I might have to hold my HMO accountable for anything that happens to my body from the day that I saw you.”
You’ve Got Mail
Almost as slow as Snail Mail
Well, the next day I had, in my HMO Patient Inbox, a referral to the NMRI department. (The N stands for Nuclear, by the way). I finally got my MRI. Then I had a second opinion from the compassionate female orthopedist. Just for the record I’ll rate her a 10 on the scale of 1-5!.  Well, that was the visit where the  Dr. yours Truly  read the MRI.
And folks, it doesn’t look good. I’d include the actual MRI but it’s a bit too graphic for this G-rated blog. But here’s what the X-ray looked like:
What do YOU see?
Cool, Huh?
Now, if you’re like me you have no idea what you’re looking at.
What’s not so cool is that I don’t have many options, and not a lot of time to decide, given my age and progression of the osteoarthritis. and the pain and lack freedom it causes me.
Do nothing and become a cripple
Learn how to hop on one leg. Great for training but not very convenient in the real world day to day existence.
Get the top of my femur chopped off and replaced with ceramic total hip replacement, THR, which is great for the avid golfer but not the active multi sport fitness gu-ress and trainer like moi.
Go with the new innovative technology of hip resurfacing,HR, which saves most of your bone, the head of your femur and allows for full activities after a year of rehab (Weight training, running, skiing, martial arts, surfing, splits, and all other sports).I can basically do everything except skydiving. Â Note to self: Set up sky dive session before surgery.
What would you do? This is NOT another trick question.:)
It’s kind of a no brainer, wouldn’t ya think?
Although the HR is a more complicated, it saves most of the bone so there is more to work with in case of a revision down the road (ie. chop off the head of my femur, lots of thigh bone, and replace it with total hip). However, if the HR is done with precision, and by the right surgeon, who has logged 1000’s of procedures, and uses the correct prosthesis best suited for women, especially on small framed women such as your princess of fitness here, the chance for the best possible outcome is optimal.
Just My Luck
Well, not only did my HMO ‘mis diagnose’ me as having just some arthritis, they didn’t even notice in the MRI that I had congenital hip displasia-or they forgot to tell me-which of course changes the playing field when considering what device to place in my hip, not to mention the experience of the surgeon placing it.
So before even consulting with a possible surgeon-who is NO. 3 below-I logged about 60 hours online researching procedures, prostheses, and the top surgeons around the world who had performed thousands of hip resurfacing, with a high percentage of them on female patients like me.
And when I finally talked to a Surgeon No. 3 , I came prepared with a file busting at the seems with documentation on the pros and cons of the two most commonly used devices: the BHR and the Conserve Plus. The research for the Conserve Plus shows that it is better suited for small women with hip displasia cases; it comes in many size increments; and there is less potential for rubbing and leaking ions.
The research shows that the BHR is suited for larger men; or women who are 5ft 8 inches and heavy boned. I am 5ft, 6 inches, if that.
And I am small boned. The BHR is large and bulky and does not have as many of the smaller sized options suited for women my size.
There is also documentation showing a higher number of cases of ions being created when the particular metals that are used in the manufacturing of the BHR ball and socket are rubbed together. These ions would leak into my bloodstream. They can never be cleared.
My life’s work is about keeping the body toxin free and creating a life free of disease for others as well as myself; not creating a potential breeding ground for cancer, or…whatever else. The goal is to create environments that are not potential breeding grounds for issues like cancer and other health concerns. As part of this commitment, mycotoxin testing kits play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of living spaces. These kits are invaluable tools for assessing the presence of mycotoxins, which are harmful substances produced by certain molds. By identifying and addressing these potential hazards, we contribute to the creation of healthier living spaces and a preventive approach to overall well-being
Compared to the Conserve Plus device, the BHR has also been documented to show more groin pain after full recovery from surgery, limiting activities. The point of the hip resurfacing is to restore my lifestyle back to a fully active one… pain free!.
These potential problems, Â as well as ions streaming through my body, is not my idea of fixing the problem.
And based on a report written by Dr. Koen De Smet, who is one of the top-five leading hip resurfacing surgeons in the world, (and speaking with him through extensive emails, where, by the way, I was allowed as many characters as I could possibly write), I am NOT a candidate for the BHR.
Guess what folks?
My HMO only uses the BHR.
I saw three doctors. The first told me to go home. The second told me I had to have surgery, but did not perform that particular type. The third looked at my X ray, told me I hip resurfacing was difficult on women, that he had not done manywomen out of his 300 surgeries, and after looking at my MRI forgot to mention I had a congenital hip displasia. On top of that, even though I had shown him the report comparing the two devices and the how the Conserve Plus had a better track record for women he could only use the BHR.
It’s quite obvious that it’s not in the best interest of my only right hip, and my future as a fitness professional, to use my HMO’s one option, or even their surgeons.
What would you do?
Make Lemons out of Lemonade
Well, that’s what Dr. Koen De Smet, the surgeon who wrote the comparison report, and the doctor who I have picked to do my surgery, can apparently do. Make the lemons whole again. Kind of like putting Humpty back together again!
Who doesn’t like Lemonade?!
As for me, I’ll stick to making lemonade out of lemons and take this as an opportunity to find a silver lining.
I have spent thirty plus years of honing my body and mind and, well… I was born with my spirit! So now, I must take on another great challenge in this life of mine. (If you know me personally you know the others).
But I think of it like this: I will take it on like any other challenging leg day sat the gym; attack it with a plan and put in max effort.
And while I am still fairly mobile and can control the pain I’ll prepare for the battle and have the best positive experience that I can doing it.
Yup! You heard me right. Stay positive. Look towards the future. Make lemonade. Â And here’s how…
The Plan
Anyone going into battle has to have a plan. And this woman warrior is no different. So from May until September’s surgery I will work on getting into the best PREHAB shape of my life, given the limitations with my hip and the pain, of course.
Since I’m a girl who likes to lift heavy objects with my legs, and since that is no longer an option I am learning new methods of training for my lower body.
(And NOTE to all the ladies out there: lifting weights does help keep body fat off your body).
I am also finding alternatives to running too. Plus, this will be a good time to explore other new ways to keep my body and mind strong and centered.
Eating healthy whole foods and maintaining my 23 years of an unprocessed and sugar free diet to fuel my body is a no brainer!
The Team
Back to the lemonade!
I decided to compile a team of experts who could help me get into the best shape of my life pre surgery, as well as post rehab conditioning.
And here’s where the new experiences come into play!
It’s obvious that I am limited in my mobility now, and I will not be able to go to the gym right after surgery. But it’s paramount that I be able to stay in shape and do progressive athletic prehab and rehab. Â So setting up a system that I can use at home, or even in my backyard, or anywhere for that matter, is really important.
So to date, with the help from sponsorships by TRX,
TRX Suspension Training Pro Pack
Kangoo Jumps
and Kangoojumps, as well as pre and post rehab conditioning programs from Josh Henkin of Ultimate Sandbag Systems, and Ed Le Cara of Sports Plus, I’ll be ready for battle.
What You Get!
Remember, this is a team effort and you are part of it. If I don’t win, you don’t win. So, I will be chronicling my experience through this blog and You Tube channel Your Fit Day , pre and post surgery.  All of the workouts I do with the Ninja equipment will be workouts that YOU, too, can do. Right now. At home. Anywhere. No excuses!!
So I want all of you to workout along with me. I plan to incorporate all of the prehab and post rehab exercises into exciting kick-butt workouts, show you knew techniques, and post periodic updates and videos…all to help you get in and stay in the best shape of your life.
And as I bring you along on my journey I hope to be an inspiration to all of you out there who may have limiting beliefs around getting into the best shape of your life. You can do it. Trust me. Â But you may have to dig down a little deeper this time.
Remember, I’ll be working out as hard as I can to stay in shape. I’m not going to let hip surgery steer me off course. Not for a minute. I’ll just be working smart, and around the pain of my hip.
But I will never give up what I have achieved and I don’t want you to give up on reaching your fitness goals either. We can do this together.
What It’s All About
Although I’m a super fit chick, remember this:Â I still have to work hard at it every day. It doesn’t come easy. I live and breathe health and fitness every day. Every minute!
But know this too: Â being in the best shape of my life every day will make it easier both physically and mentally to get through this challenge and bounce back.
And that is why it is so important for you to get in and stay in the best shape of your life, every day. Nobody has a crystal ball, and you don’t know what curve balls life will bring.
Be prepared. Be Strong. Both physically and mentally. Be ready to play ball.
And that is what this blog is all about: To inspire YOU to stay on a path that will lead you to a lifestyle of health and fitness where you will never give up on yourself in becoming the best YOU.
You Give Me Inspiration
And while I’m rehabbing, I want you to inspire me.
Tell me about your workouts and your accomplishments and how YOU feel. I’ll be here to cheer you on in your quest for your bad ass bod.
Tell me, what is your greatest challenge right now?
So I’ve been making my rounds of holiday parties over the past few weeks. I really love this time of year. And you know what? I don’t stress about food or workouts. Instead I focus on being the most fit I’ve ever been in my life. And I do this every year. Actually I do this every day!! Is that humanly possible you ask? Well, it gives me another excuse to don my best apparel of tight sexy tops and jeans. I mean look, I’m a fitness diva who loves fine classic clothes down to their finest threads…which don’t come cheap. And in this economy who wants to have two or maybe even three sets of wardrobe sizes? Not me, and probably not you either.
And I love this time of year because it’s great for my business. In fact this past week I’ve gotten a tonne of the usual emails asking how not to gain weight over the holidays. But my favorite question was from college student Nikky Raney asking me advice on how to get in shape for the holidays.
Well, I’m glad you asked me Nikky, because it just shows me that there are some peeps out there who are paying attention to their waistlines and want to do something about it now, not on New Years Day.
JustThe FactsMa’am
We’ve all heard the dreaded numbers: most people gain between 5-7 lbs of body fat between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. This fact is bad… but it’s not really that bad. A study done by the National Institutes of Health and the Medical University of South Carolina found that people in their study gained an average of about 1 pound from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. And less than 10 percent of the subjects gained 5 pounds or more over the holidays. But here’s the bad news: “That extra pound, on average, was still there for {a large number of }the group of participants who came back to be weighed almost a year later”.
And what do you think will happen the following holiday season? Just another 1 lb right? Well in five years that’s 5 lbs of accumulated fat. And that’s not even counting any other weight you might put on during the rest of the year. Sound familiar?
How many different sized pairs of ‘skinny jeans’ do you actually own?
Excuses. That’s what I hear around the holiday season.
Family is in town
Family leaving town
I’m going away
holiday parties
No time, I have to Xmas shop
No time, I have to make my dreidel out of clay
Everyone gains weight during this time of year
It’s a lost cause this time of year
I’ll just instead wait for after the New Year to start Debby’s IMPACT group training.
The Grinch stole my work out. Whaaaaat?!!
The Grinch Who Stole Workouts
Listen, anyone can make excuses. But why let excuses run your life and rule your waistline when what it is you really want is to enjoy the holidays and feel great.
Well, I came up with a plan for all of you to jump start your New Year’s fitness plan. It’s really no different than how I plan each day of my Fit Day life:
That is, to get in the best shape of my life EVERY DAY. So let’s make it Your Fit Day so you can do the same.
We all have our struggles that we go through. Hey, I’m not perfect. I’m human too. Now although I don’t eat sugar or pastries, candy or cream pies, I can relate to what you are going through. You see, starting from the age of 16 through age 21 I had an eating disorder where I barely ate enough to fuel my athletic achievements. And from age 21 to about age 27 I had a sugar addiction. I’m sure some of you can relate.
My pleasure was sugar gumballs.
My Gumball Addiction
I would be -line for the bubble gum bins and load up on bag fulls, making excuses to myself why I couldn’t do without. And once that sugar touched my tongue, and I’d eaten so much that I was in sugar-high heaven, I’d throw in the towel and just devour the entire bag. I mean, I had already done the damage so there was nothing I could do at that point, right? Sound familiar? Wait, there’s more.
Then I would set a date to stop this behavior. I’d say, ‘Tomorrow I won’t buy any more. Tomorrow I’ll start my new program’. But another excuse would find me, I’d rationalize it, and I’d push the change date to the ‘Really, I’m gonna change this behavior’ date… whenever that was. But this didn’t do me any good. It just made me ‘fat-fit’ in the belly, sluggish, tired and depressed.
Finally, (thank the Universe for providing me clarity), I just got tired of being sick and tired. I wanted to be strong and I didn’t want to stress about what I put in my mouth. I didn’t want to count all my calories – or lack there of- when I ate; I didn’t want to be tired and depressed. Without energy I knew my body was not strong and that it lacked the muscle to stoke my metabolism.
So when I was 21 I just woke up one morning and set out for one of the greatest challenges of my life: to become strong and fit. No, let me rephrase that: to be the strongest and fittest I could be, every day of my life. I just said to myself, ‘Today I am a bodybuilder and I am going to be up on stage, and I’m going to have the body of Gladys Portugues, and everything that goes into my mouth will build my body and mind and spirit. And I will not stop until I get there. And when I get there I will keep going…’
Well, if you’ve seen a picture of Gladys,
Gladys Portugues
and then you saw me (I’m still looking for the picture), that was a huge challenge that I was committing to. But I believed that I could do it. There was no limit. I was always athletic and ‘fit’ and determined. So I set my goals and changed my ways.
I believed in a new reality.
What I did, right then, was change my own perception of who I was. In my minds eye I had the body that I dreamed of, and I was lifting really heavy objects, and I was taking control. Every day was a new challenge in the gym, kitchen, socially, and especially in regards to self discovery; and I made this all a priority in my life. I let go of my limiting belief that I was bound to this addiction of surrendering to sugar.
And whatever it is that you are surrendering to during the holiday season you too can rise to the challenge and change your belief system.
Do Not Surrender!
So, I’m going to challenge you to get in the best shape of your life every single day from now until January first. That’s right. EVERY DAY! Change your belief system and become that fit, energetic, youthful, stress-less person. And then just keep going.
Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor before starting a workout plan. With that being said:
Commit To Be Fit: Start a journal. On the cover write ‘Your Fit Day‘. Under that write: ‘Everyday is the first day of the rest of my fitness life’. This is your new mantra. Now, say the Your Fit Day Mantra every morning upon waking, and again upon going to sleep.
Work OutEverydayeven on Xmas day and New Years day for 10-30 minutes, with some high intensity training. For Beginners: Start by warming up with 5 minutes of walking, then every other minute walk briskly for a minute or for as long as you can and then go back to walking. Start with 10 minutes and increase by 1-2 minutes each day. Intermediate and Advanced: Pep up your step and do interval training using your entire body. Do a circuit of exercises like skipping rope, burpees, one legged jumps, bicycles, pull-ups, sumo jump squats, V-ups, plank variations, side to side lunges. This is just an example of a circuit. You can make these time challenges, or intervals of 50 seconds max effort, and 10 seconds rest. Be creative. Have fun. Play. Be sure to check out The Ultimate Sandbag Systems workouts that you can do in your home. I just bought the combo package and I’ll soon be posting some of my own workouts on my blog using the Sandbag, so keep checking back. P90 and P90x are also good home fitness solutions.
Eat Wholesome and Lean Foods and good fats up until Xmas eve.
Go to be social. Change your limiting beliefs around ‘parties’. Nobody says you have to eat sweets and fatty carbohydrates at holiday parties in order to be social. Save it for the big family meal on Xmas and New Years. Enjoy a light protein snack or a handful of nuts before you go to the holiday parties. When you’re there forage the room for the veggie platter and opt for lemon with water instead of fruit punches and alcohol.
Pick Your Pies Prudently: Limit yourself to tasting 2 deserts and only have a couple bites of each. Chances are you’re not hungry anyway and after savoring the first couple of bites you’ll have satisfied your sweet tooth.
Say the YFDMantra
You have the next TEN days to make it Your Fit Day, every day, for the rest of your life.