HI Your Fit Day Friends
Wow! What a difference a day makes. !!
This last night I could actually sleep on my side. And why is this so great? Because I’m a side sleeper and this side sleeper loves to curl up, and you can’t rightly do that lying on your back or stomach. Well, really, I can’t do that now either. But hey, even though I still couldn’t get through the night without waking up, at least I’m moving in the right direction; and mentally I know it won’t be too far off when I’ll be all curled up and cozy snuggling with that pillow!
And…NO rubber mattresses…. and NO coffin-like small beds here at the Fisherman’s cove!!
I would have loved to have slept in late surrounded by all this comfortableness but as it was I woke late. So as fast as I could-which obviously was not very-I made it down to the Buffet to have my protein/Green Vibrance/coconut water super shake, delight in some Swiss decaf, as well as order my buffet breakfast…which I would enjoy later…after my exercises and a walk.(Exercises are below)
As I enjoyed a my shake, my imported instant decaf, and a glass of fresh pressed coconut water, I talked with Dale the Dining Manager.

Dale has a very interesting family history, and as I journeyed back in time with him he entertained me with stories of British rule and the East India Trading Company. Dale was like the human cliff notes on these subjects, just two of the many that we touched on while I stayed here at FC.
I would have loved to lounge and listen but I wanted to get my upper body workout in and do my hip exercises, and my butt and leg was killing me from sitting so long, so off I went.
Back up in my room I did this routine, which is keeping me strong:
Quicky Workout: Using Bands and body: TIME: 32 minutes
Equipment: Tubing with handles(Green is usually medium strength); Tubing circle band with handles (or tie Thera Bands together); and YOU!
Click on links below to watch Video Explanations
Do this for 4 rounds
Pushups on floor( I did modified pushups)X30 reps
Triceps Dips on bench X 30 reps
Robin Hood Band Pulls for rear of shoulder and arms (Using Circle tubing, just pretend like you’re going to shoot with a bow and arrow, keep your front arm up in air in one position, and the pulling back part of the band is the exercise, using a band or tubing)Â X 20 reps, alternating arms
Do these exercises for 4 rounds:
Alternating Arms using tubing with handles
Band Shoulder Press X 20 (Using Tubing with handles)
Band Chest Fly X 15
Do these exercises for 3 rounds:
Alternating Arms
Band Rear Delt pulls: (Holding band, bend over with slight bend in knees, pull band out to side, keeping arm straight. Raise arm up and slightly back, and then down while keeping the tension on the band. You should be feeling the muscles in back of shoulder working)X 15 reps. Use tubing with handles
Band Back pulls (Quick explanation: Band is attached to doorknob, and standing straight with arm bent and to your side, pull back like you’re going to open a door)
Do these exercises 3 rounds:
Band Bicep curls X 20 reps ( I looped my band around a door handle)
Band Triceps Overhead Extension X 20 reps(Check out link for explanation)
Do this exercise 3 rounds
Side bends X 20 each side
Ahhh! That felt good.
After my workout, which took about 32 minutes, I showered, took some pictures of how my body looks after 8 days, and then put on a dress that would be nice and cool, that I had ordered from Thailand on ebay. YUP! I bought a dress from around the world, just to re pack it to take it back around the world again! And it was one of the best purchases I have ever made. Here’s a picture of the dress:

My Rx of the day was to walk before my lunch, rest while eating, and then walk again after resting. So my friendly FC staff came to help me carry my lunch down to the pool area. I’m getting so spoiled here. But trust me, it helps you heal knowing that there is so much love around you while so far from home.
My good friend Prabhu, from Day 7 (Check it out if you haven’t met him already), set out with me and videotaped and shot all these wonderful pictures.
First we took a little stroll along the cobblestone walkways.

I stopped to look at the butterfly garden, where I couldn’t find any butterflies… but I did find some ducks…

Below is a picture of the lovely cottages. When I come back next year I would love to stay in one of these so I can listen to the waves crashing on the shore. I’m such a water baby, and anything and everything about the ocean resonates deep within me. No wonder, I’m a Cancer!

And everyone who works here is always smiling and happy. And their smiles make you happy. It’s like happy healing heaven here!

I’m just SOooooo happy that I can walk…

Prabhu was kind to carry my iphone and Flip video. Actually he had a system down pat; just like a double fisted gun-slinging cowboy, quick for the draw. He just kept snapping away…

Then it was on to visit the spa.

I thought maybe I could get a unique Indian facial or buy some nice Indian products that you can’t get in the U.S..

But as it turns out they used Japanese products, and I was on a budget anyway, so I just hung out there for a few moments and enjoyed the AC before moving on…!.

I had to snap this picture of the petals. It was pure art to me. I’m wondering how many times a day they tend to this masterpiece to keep it fresh.
By this time my hip was telling me it was time to rest and my stomach was screaming for food so it was back to the lovely pool area for me…where I could be worshiped like a Goddess… on the Taj!!

And then I sat back and relaxed and enjoyed my afternoon yummy snack food…

…stir fry veggies and an omelet… and of course the yummy fresh coconut water and meat right from the coconut!!

After some more relaxing it was time to exercise my hip again so Prabhu and I headed towards the beach. I was itching to stick my feet in that Indian Ocean. So off we went.

When I came back from the beach my feet were like elephants so Prabhu made sure I was comfortable and brought me a bucket of ice to soak my feet in.

And then I laid out and ogled the shells that Prabhu scooped up at the beach for me. These were worth way more than the fifty bucks than those polished shells the conch man wanted to sell me. My shells were priceless!
I was pretty wiped out so I did ordered room service and blogged. Here’s what I had for dinner. I just can’t seem to get enough of that soup that I had on my first night here. BTW: I’m still trying to get the recipe.

And here’s a final video where I’m showing off some of my ‘hippy’ moves in bed! ; and my thoughts to you on why I came practically around the world to get my hip done. Watch the video…
With that said I hope you continue following my journey…
….and do my workout of the day, above. They really work.
I’ll try to post a workout with each blog, as well as pictures and videos.
Would you like that? Let me know in the comment box below…
Your Friend and Trainer,
Make It Your Fit Day