Warm and creamy protein pudding, before being turned into ‘gelato’
Hello Your Fit Day Friends!
I’ve always loved rich creamy pudding type foods. They don’t even have to be deserts. I’ll make just about anything into a thick gloppy mush and eat it! This one just happens to a be creamy, sweet and chocolatey low carb chocolate protein pudding! And each serving has 6 grams of  protein. Great for a little afternoon protein boost.
I came up with this recipe because I had some extra room in the day for my fat and protein macros, and I was experimenting with making pudding. So I kind of just threw things together following a couple different recipes for pudding and lemon curd.
What’s not to like about a warm and creamy chocolate pudding. And what’s not to like about your pudding going a.k.a. as gelato, chocolate sauce, or a ganache for your cakes and muffins!
Well, this Chocolate Protein Pudding can be all that. It just depends on what type of self control you have the moment it comes off the stove!
And I’m not going to lie! I had to maintain a lot of self control not to spoon all of this goodness into my mouth instead of those little glass dishes. It was a challenge, let me tell you.
As I was pouring the pudding into the dishes I just happened to very intently swiped my finger through the stream of chocolate and touch the tip of my tongue with it, and suddenly my olfactory memories transported me back to my mother’s kitchen, baking chocolate chip cookies, and dissolving Hershey Kisses in my mouth.
And that’s exactly what this pudding tastes like (to me, anyway!). A bowl of melted Hershey Kisses.
And if you love Hershey Kisses you will definitely become addicted to this pudding. I’m not even a chocolate lover and I’m hooked!
It’s super quick and easy to make, and takes all of about 6 minutes from prep to fridge. (Of course you then have to wait for the pudding to firm up in the fridge!)
So go ahead and whip some of this goodness up. But I’m warning you now, you may not be able to wait the 20-30 minutes for it to firm up! Let me know how far you got…. 🙂
Whisk an egg yolk and 1 Tbsp of coconut milk in a small dish.
In another deep small bowl mix the 5 or 6 gr of a whey powder (about a tbsp), 8-10 grams of cocoa powder( about 2 tbsp), the stevia and erythritol mix ( or whatever sweetener pleases your fancy), a pinch of salt together. Whisk that all up!
Then, with a rubber spatula, mix the egg yolk mixture into the cocoa mixture and blend it all up. It's hard not to lick the spoon and just eat that. But stop yourself so you can indulge in the real goodness that is to come!! If it's not sweet enough then sweeten to taste.
Then, in a small saucepan heat 6 tbsp of coconut milk until just simmering and small bubbles appear on the sides.
Remove from stove and begin tempering the chocolate with the milk by adding 1 tbsp of the milk into the cocoa mixture and mixing vigorously as you do that, combining it all, and then continue to do this tbsp by tbsp until it's all combined.
Then, with the rubber spatula transfer that all back into the saucepan.
Now here is where you need to be super vigilant! Reduce heat to low and put saucepan back on stove. But making sure to stir stir stir that cocoa mixture. It will seem like nothing is happening. But in 30 seconds to 1 minute it will start to thicken and you will see streaks of the pan on the bottom.
Make sure to continue moving that spatula around the corners of the pan. At this 1 minute mark or slightly less you will see small curds start to form. Immediately lift the pan 4-6 inches off the stove top, but continue stirring the mixture around the pan getting in all areas as it thickens up.
It may start looking dry on the edges and you don't want this, so lift the pan higher and make sure that the flame is low.
Once those curds start forming at the beginning, when you first start to lift the pan off the stovetop, you only need to do that mixing for about 1.5 minutes. I used a timer at the beginning , but eventually you will know when to stop.
So now, take the pan off the stove and place on counter. Add in 4 tsp of coconut oil or butter, TWO tsp at a time, and mix it all in before adding in the next 2 tsp. It will be nice and shiny and glossy. Take a whiff and sweeten to taste if necessary. It will smell and taste like a Hershey Kiss.
Divide evenly into 2 small shallow dishes
Place in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes or desired consistency is reached. I don't put plastic on top of the pudding, but if you care about a film that may form you may do so to prevent it.
Or, eat warm from the dish or serve on top of some of my other delicious treats!
As I sit here on my ball, writing my post, the scent of chocolate is wafting it’s way throughout my apartment and under my nose. This is causing quite a stir. With me anyway, since I’m the only one here, and I know how amazingly good this low carb melt-in-your-mouth chocolate brownie cake is!
And I can almost guarantee that you will soon add these chocolate melt-in-your-mouth brownies to your list of ‘go to’ and ‘must haves’!
Now, for those of you who know me, or who’ve clicked around on my blog, here, and here, you know that I’ve been sugar, and processed-foods free for the past 26 years.
But that doesn’t stop me from indulging in a bit of decadence-low carb style. And that’s just how my low carb melt-in-your-mouth chocolate brownies make you feel: like you’re diving into a box of Swiss chocolates!!
They’re super chocolatey, with a slightly sticky, merengue-like top. And, they have crisp sides, which has always been my favorite part of a brownie.
Ahhhhh…and when you sink your teeth into one…it’s so light and airy… and just melts in your mouth.
They will melt in your mouth after each bite!
OK! Well, I don’t want to make you wait any longer…so here’s what to do:
Make the kabocha squash mixture and set aside.
Creamy Kabocha squash mixture should be like a thick gravy or sour cream consistency.
Sift together dry ingredients following recipe directions, and set aside.
Beat eggs until frothy, and then add in the cream of tarter,
Beat until soft peaks form,
and then add in the sweetener of choice (see notes in recipe), a little at a time, and continue beating until stiff peaks form
Beat egg whites just until stiff peaks form
And then add the kabocha mixture gently on top, and spread around a bit, making sure not to break the whites.
Kabocha mixture should sit on top of egg whites
Then fold the mixture gently into the egg whites. (You can watch the video on folding here)
Slowly fold kabocha squash mixture into beaten egg whites
Until they look like this
Folded to perfection with lots of volume
Then, take 1/4 of the dry mixture and sift it over the egg whites. Then fold this into the egg whites gently. Repeat this step three more times. It will eventually look smooth and creamy like this.
The dry mixture has been nicely folded into the kabocha/egg white mixture. Make sure that all the large and small clumps have been bursted and incorporated
You’re almost done!
Now pour this lusciousness into the prepared tin.
Tap the pan on the counter to take out all the air bubbles. Look how nice and smooth the batter is!
And bake, following the directions below, until it looks like this.
Waiting to be cut and plated for some eating pleasure!
Or if you are a square, like this!
(Personally, I prefer to bake these in one of those grocery store 7″-8″ cheap pie pans because the bottom and edges come out super crispy).
Let cool without going nuts (Oh, you can fold those into the batter at the end if you want!)
Slice and plate them up, like this, if you want!
Or this…
They will melt in your mouth after each bite!
Or this…
Almost too pretty to eat…NOT!
Honestly, I couldn’t wait this long with my first batch. They were gone, baby, gone!
Really, whichever way you choose to bake these, it’s like eating milk chocolate truffles (that recipe’s coming soon!).
Ha! I should have called it my milk chocolate truffle cake!
Alas, let’s get baking!
All photos credited to Jos. Be sure to check out all her yummy recipes, too!
5-6 Tbsp water (this really depends on how watery or starchy your kabocha squash is. Add 1 Tbsp each time until you got that thick gravy/sour cream consistency
Large Stainless Steel, Copper, or Glass mixing bowl
Medium size bowl
2 small bowls
Rubber spatula
Mixer, either hand or stand
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Lightly grease 7-8 inch tin with coconut oil
In a medium size bowl, separate the egg whites and the yolks (best done when the eggs are still cold straight up from the fridge). Reserve the yolks for another use.
Grind ½ cup granulated Splenda in a coffee grinder until it becomes powdered
In a separate bowl, mix coconut flour, whey protein powder, baking powder, powdered Splenda, cocoa powder, and salt.
Sift the dry ingredients.
In another bowl, mix mashed baked kabocha with 1 Tbsp coconut milk, 1 tsp vanilla extract and 1 Tbsp of water. Mixture should resemble thick gravy. Don't make it too watery. If the batter gets too watery, a quick remedy would be mix about 1-2 tsp of the sifted dry ingredients.
By this time, the egg whites should be at a room temperature.
Using a hand mixer with a whisk attachment, lightly beat egg whites until foamy.
Lower the mixer speed, then put in ⅛ tsp cream of tartar. Increase the mixer speed and beat until soft peaks formed.
Lower the mixer speed, then mix in ¼ cup granulated Splenda. Mix it slowly until everything incorporates so you won't have the Splenda flying around.
Beat the egg whites until stiff peak formed.
Pour in the kabocha/coconut milk mixture and carefully fold into the egg whites. Please watch video on folding below:
Once the batter is mixed, sift ¼ of the dry ingredients on`to the egg white. Carefully fold the dry ingredients into the egg whites mixture. Repeat this three more times, until you use up all the dry ingredients.
Fill your 7-8 inch tin with the batter.
Bake in 350F for 45-50 minutes
Remove from oven and let sit about 15 minutes before removing from the tin. They come out easier this way.
Slice and enjoy!
Take your time when folding all the ingredients into the egg whites. And make sure to break apart, very gently, any lumps or bubbles of dry mix that you see.
The best way to do this is by lifting the lumps onto your spatula and breaking them apart by tapping the spatula on the side of the bowl.
Using Splenda: I use ½ cup of the Splenda granules (not the baking Splenda or packets) and then powder that for the dry mix, and use ¼ cup for the egg whites.
I’d been pondering a while on what would be the best low carb pie crust for my first pumpkin pie – while also being suitable for Ultra Low Carb meals, including the Carbnite Solution Diet Plan and Carb Backloading program.
Since giving up grains about 15 years ago, my Mom’s sweet, light and flaky, cinnamon-y pastry flour pie crust was no longer an option. I remember helping her in the kitchen, learning how to roll out the dough and laying the dough dipped pin over the pie plate. But the best part of pie making for me was collecting the falling waves of cut and crimped dough into my powdery hands, dousing them with cinnamon and sugar, and baking them until tender and flaky into my ‘pie crisp cookies’. They were little drops of buttery flakes that melted on my tongue like snowflakes. But my tummy, digestion and skin are so much better for giving up gluten and grains ( I do eat rice on my Carbnite!).
So my quest was to make a crust that was as alluring as a traditional one, which would also pleasing to the Paleo pallete!
To stay gluten free and low carb, coconut flour was certainly option. But I decided I wanted to make this crust with nuts only. To bind it together I would need a fat. Yum yum, fat!
My options were butter, lard, coconut oil…and maybe some of DebbyK’s coconut butter. Well, since I don’t eat dairy butter was not really an option for this crust (but don’t let me stop your grass fed butter dipping addictions!).
And straight lard in a nut crust just didn’t seem appealing to me with pumpkin pie.
I thought coconut butter, since it’s so thick, might seize up and make the nuts harder to spread, which would result in using a lot more coconut butter – quite possibly my entire jar. And truth be told I’d rather eat DebbyK’s Coconut Butter straight out of the jar than dump most of the jar into my pie crust. I confess, I’m an addict. Although, I do intend to try using the coconut butter in my next pie crust, so stay tuned!
Since this was my first pie crust I hopped to the web to get some inspirations and see what others, who are gluten free and primarily primal, had cooked up. Although the tart crust from Elenas Pantry was inspiring and looked tasty, I decided to exclude the egg, make it a nut medley, and throw in all the nuts I had in my fridge instead of using only almond flour.
The first crust I ended up with (without cinnamon because I forgot to add it in-oops!) sent wafts of sweet nuttiness through my small apartment. It was so hard not to eat it up right then. But I was thinking of you, so I didn’t. Which was the right thing to do, because if I had eaten that crust/cookie I’d be stuck without a crust for my Perfect Paleo Pumpkin Pie, which I hope you are making right now for Thanksgiving. And when I added the cinnamon in a second testing the crust came out even better: sweet nuttiness! That’s the one you’ll find below.
Really I could eat this pie crust alone as a giant cookie it, tastes that yummy!
As a side: I got even more creative with another crust for my tartlettes which I made from the leftover pie batter, and I added in 1/2 tsp ginger as well. Feel free to add a 1/4 tsp to the recipe below if you wish, and maybe even 1/4Â tsp of nutmeg to marry the crust and pie together even more. If you do, let me know how it comes out.
Anyway, you’ll get to taste the tartlettes soon enough!
A sweet nutty crust that tastes just as good as a giant cookie!!
Author: Debby Kaplan
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: American/Paleo
Serves: 16
1 Cup walnuts
½ Cup almonds
½ Cup almond flour (blanched)
½ Cup hazelnut flour
2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
¼ tsp salt
2 Tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger
¼ tsp nutmeg
In a blender or food processor ( I only have a blender) add all pie crust ingredients.
Pulse until nuts start to get crumbly. Be careful as to not allow nuts to start forming a butter.
Continue to pulse until mixture forms a crumbly meal and comes together when pinched. Make sure you don't grind too much, you don't want nut nut butter! Stop to scrape down sides as needed.
Scrape out into mound in center of pie pan or dish
Starting from middle work the pie crust out and up sides of pie tin. This part of pie making reminds me of hand building a bowl or plate out of clay! Allow for thicker crust up the sides. Bottom can be thinner.
Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until it just starts to brown. Do not over bake!
Remove and let completely cool before filling
Pie crust can be made day ahead and stored in refrigerator
To keep carb count low I slice my pies into 16ths.
Feel free to make this 8 servings but account for your daily net carbs.
Remember: If this crust is for a pie stay focused, think PIE, and Do Not eat this as a cookie!
This crust has been known to disguise itself as a cookie, so beware! It's highly addicting.
It can also be used as a crumble for muffin and cake toppings. Be creative!!
You’re probably asking ”Hey, hey, where’s DebbyK ?” Well, if you’re getting my newsletters then your in the know.
What? Not subscribed? What the…? Get your crazy self over to my sidebar and click on that link so I can bug you with my my fitness and fat loss tips, and coming to you soon, my yummy recipes.
Kay now!…Â that’s settled…and thanks for subscribing.
So, here’s the four one one on why I’ve been out of touch with my fitness blogging and updates: For those of you who just recently subscribed I’ve had 2 major surgeries in the past year. For the first one I traveled far far away to the beautiful land of India for my hip resurfacing surgery, where they put a shiny new cobalt ball in my hip. That was last October. The 4th to be exact. It’s been a year already, OMG!
Well, thank god I’m not in pain anymore. But I’ll tell you it’s been a big freakin deal trying to get my body feeling normal again. And after a year I”m not nearly as in shape as I was. But that’s because when I got back I had to have another freakin surgery. It’s like I’m under construction from the bottom up. Now I know how Michelangelo felt painting the Sistine Chapel. It’s that painstakingly slow to rehab. So don’t sweat it if you have a bad day with your program. It’s all cumulative. Just keep pluggin’ away. K?
So, first surgery’s down, and then seven months later I had to go under the knife again for shoulder surgery. That’s only five months ago. Have you had shoulder surgery? Well, don’t. It was a BIGGER pain in the A#$ than the first one! Don’t ever get it. Because it feels like somebody’s pounding and drilling into your shoulder with a hammer, incessantly, minute after minute for at least six weeks. Not that I’ve ever had that happen to me, but if I did…hmmm…actually, come to think of it…well, you get the point. OK! I know…not much of an excuse for not blogging.
But don’t worry, while I was gone I was thinking all about you and what would make you feel warm and fuzzy. And considering my condition ( since it’s really hard for me to do fitness videos for you like I promised-and I’m really sorry for not having kept my word- even if I were to make workout videos, seriously, if you did some of the exercises like how I’m doing them now you’d be exercising like a one winged flamingo) I thought it would be in your best interest to wait a bit longer for the kick butt workout videos. So instead, I’m going to make you some yummy stuff to eat.
Well, not actually make you dinner and desert, as in you coming over to my place and having tea and all…
Rather, put many of my yummy healing treats and foods that have helped me keep this body happy, healthy, fit (considering) and lean for the past 30 years – not to mention during my surgeries – here on my blog. No Reservations Required!
Yummy stuff… like savory meals, and gluten free sweets, muffins, pies, cakes and butters.
Yup, you read that right….
And because I’ve been getting so many requests for DebbyK’s Coconut Butter recipes (I have many yummy flavors) I’ve decided to share one of my addictions basic recipes with you. My liquid gold.
Why Butter? Why Not Butter! Yum…
So while I was recovering after my shoulder surgery I began to research more about healing through nature and how our hormones play a big role in regulating our recovery. I knew that good fats, such as Omega 3’s, are vital in our body’s defense against aging and inflammation. But just as important as Omega 3’s are saturated fats. If I wanted to give my body the best chance at a strong recovery I would need more FAT.
… Actually, more saturated fats.
Wait, I know what you’re thinking, that fat’s not good for you, and it will make you..well… fat. Or drop dead. Or both. Especially saturated fat. I’ll die of a heart attack THIS SECOND, right?!
Now that’s ridiculous. I mean our paleolithic friends ate tons of fat… in meat, nuts and seeds. And they weren’t fat. But of course they weren’t sitting at their computers all day checking Facebook, reading blogs and munching on chips (Put those down and keep reading).
Well, that’s another blog altogether. In the meantime a good place to learn about fats, healing, and optimal health through diet is over at Robb Wolf’s website where you can also read up on why we need more of these good fats in our diets. And while you’re there make sure to read up on the the ‘Paleo Lifestyle’.
OkeeDoKee! Back to the fats. Fats such as coconut oil, red palm oil, grass fed butter and ghee, and coconut butter-a saturated fat- are all really good for you and should be the bulk of the fats and oils you use when cooking.
So you’re probably wondering what this here coconut butter has to do with my yummy healthy recipes that I’m putting together for you. Well for one, it’s become my go-to staple fat for much of my baking. And snacking…I don’t lie.
But coconut butter is so delicious that I don’t only use it for most of my general cooking like I’d use butter, plain virgin coconut oil and red palm oil for stuff like stir fry, soups, etc. That would be like melting gold to make one nail and then pounding it somewhere into the frame of your house. You don’t get the real beauty of it. A waste. No Can Do.
Nope.. I eat it by the spoonful…straight from the jar. I want the full sensation of this liquid gold.
This doesn’t last long in my house!
But the best is when I warm it up in a double boiler before I dip my spoon into the jar, and wait til it becomes really smooth and silky. And then, as my lips wrap around the spoon and the fat molecules explode in a crescendo of gooey goodness on my tongue, it warms my senses and brings back memories of sticking my fingers into Mom’s gigantic blue-ringed ceramic mixing bowl filled with cake batter…which makes me dip my spoon in for more.
Come to think of it maybe I am an addict.
Oh, I digress…when you make my recipe, coming up in my next blog post, you’ll know what I’m talking about. It really is like eating cake batter or vanilla frosting or even cookie dough. And there are endless other ways to melt into a blissful state while eating this treat: like putting a dollop in tea or coffee; dipping with fruit; or icing cookies, cakes and pies. OH MY!
And not only does it taste good it has many healthy and healing qualities.
Ninja of Oils
Coconut oil is the ninja of oils. Aside from tasting like heaven, check out this laundry list of it’s super duper qualities:
Weight Loss:
Coconut oil is an MCT (medium chain triglyceride). Instead of storing it as fat you burn it as energy. It’s like eating a piece of candy that won’t stick to your thighs. How’s that for liquid gold? It’s a super-food which will make you feel energized after eating it. So don’t be surprised if you start running sprints up and down your office hallways.
Coconut oil stimulates your metabolism, so it helps with energy levels and may help you to burn more calories each day.
Coconut oil, and it side kick the creamy butter, is a key nutrient that has helped many of my clients, including myself, to lose body fat while using the Carb Backloading and/or The Carb Nite Solution: The Physicist’s Guide to Power Dieting (Please not that I will receive a small commission from the sales of these books).
Boost Your Immunity:
Coconut oil has been shown to boost your immunity as well as kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Flu seasons coming, so stock up!
Coconut oil has been shown to kill the Candida Albicans yeast with it’s anti fungal properties.
Healthy Skin:
Coconut oil boosts moisture and elasticity in your skin. I would even consider that an anti aging remedy. Now I’m definitely down for stocking up!
Heart Health:
Coconut oil has been shown to reduce cholesterol and heart disease.
So, Eat Up America! This is one saturated fat you don’t want to miss out on.
Click HERE to get the recipe to my Liquid Gold Creamy Coconut Butter
So by now you’ve had a tour of my room here at Fisherman’s Cove. After my yummy meal I settled in and tried to get a much needed nights sleep. I woke up at about 5:30 wanting to toss and turn, but couldn’t roll over, so instead I decided to move myself smack to the middle of the bed so I could have more support around me and hug my buffet of feathered body pillows.
But….then I had to go to the bathroom. Now this can be traumatic and send anyone who’s just had major surgery-and has spent most of the night trying to get as snuggled as one can after surgery-into a panic! I mean, there’s a lot of energy and gymnastics involved to get from your bed to the bathroom; especially when you’re bunked down in the middle of a king size bed in a cave of pillows supporting your every limb. So I had to think hard if I really needed to go. Yup! I did.
Well, at least I’m getting better at it and it’s less painful than two days ago. But moving this limb still feels like a ton of bricks. So I didn’t get much of a restful night… but I’m excited to show you around this healing haven.
OK! Last night when I arrived at Fisherman’s Cove it was dark so I had no idea of just how paradisaical this place is. But when I woke up and opened my window here’s what I saw:
Room 217 Fisherman's Cove Taj Vivanta
I just stood there-like a stork on one leg- and took it all in. I mean, when I looked out the window form the Apollo I saw guys hanging from the side of the building cleaning the windows of the Rain Tree hotel, a parking lot, a two lane road packed with honking vehicles, and a post apocalyptic glow from all the smog.
From the moment I arrived my senses were tantalized with the cachophony of birds, the thick humid air, rustle of palms in the occasional breeze, and the crashing of waves along the beach, in the distance.
I couldn’t wait to get downstairs and check it all out… starting with the breakfast buffet that comes with the room! It’s an ‘all you can eat’ buffet, and they will cook anything to your specifications. So I ordered enough to carry me through my late breakfast/brunch, with enough for an afternoon meal too!
The Fisherman’s Cove is used to having us Hippies and it’s their unofficial custom to provide excellent follow up care for those of us who stay here after the Apollo Hospital.
And boy did I really got the royal princess treatment from the moment I checked in. Which suits me fine. In fact I think ‘royal princess’ is in my blood. I mean, according to my mother, I’m a descendant of Count Dracula-which could explain my nocturnal habits-so I believe that would qualify me as having Romanian princess blood running through my veins!
Anyway, while sitting at my table I got personal visits from many department heads of staff who came over to introduce themselves, and to make sure my first night was grand. It was just like holding court! One right after the other they came, to make sure that all my accommodations were met.
Really, I felt honored.
First the IT manager came over and said that he was ‘at my service’.
Then the hotel manager came over to greet me.
Then the head of housekeeping came to let me know that he would be bringing more pillows. He also suggested more towels, more water, a raised toilet seat
My Personal Privy
and a bath mat so I wouldn’t slip on the lovely marble. Who’s to complain. And when I got back to my room that late afternoon this is what I saw! (left)
And this:
No Slip Bath Mat at Fisherman's Cove
At the breakfast Buffet Chef Manas made me my omelet, a farmers market bounty of grilled veggies, and whipped me up my protein shake made with coconut water and my Green Vibrance mixed in (great for healing); plus he sent me up to my room with two extra
Green Vibrance protein shake made with coconut water; Glass of coconut water
large glasses of fresh pressed coconut water. I downed the protein shake and a glass coconut water, had some decaf coffee and then headed back to my room to do my exercises and eat my yummy meal and drink more coconut water that chef Manas had sent along with the meal. I was O.D’.ing on coconut water! Not a bad thing under the circumstances!….
DebbyK’s Workout in a box!
Here’s what my workout looked like. I did it in a really small space up in my room, like a 5ft x 6ft space…in about 45 minutes. And that was with hobbling. So you can do this, and probably much quicker, too!
Do Max reps til failure
Set One: Do one right after the other
Bench Push Ups
Bench dips
Robin Hood Pulls( Video coming)
X 3 Rounds
Set Two:
Band Shoulder Press Alternating Arms X 4 sets
Band Chest Fly alternating sides X 4 sets
Band Rear Delt Pulls alternating sides X 3 sets
Band Close Back pulls Alternating sides X 3
Band Biceps alternating arms X 3
Band Tricep overhead extensions alternating sides x 3
Side bends 20 per side
Made to order omelet and veggies from Breakfast Buffet_Fisherman's Cove Resort
After getting my body moving I showered and ate my yummy omelet, inhaled some more fresh coconut water, and headed back down to show you the lobby, and then I decided to take a buggy ride and check out what will be my paradise for the next five days.
But first, here’s the video I took this morning of the beautiful lobby and what I saw last night when I arrived:
Magical Mystery Tour
Then I went exploring in the buggy and took a short walk on the beach with the Conch Man, who offered to walk with me, and who is one of many that come daily to sell their shells to tourists. Well, looking around there was only me, and one other lone guy reading his book on lounge chair, so I really I think he just wanted me to buy his conch shells. But I really wasn’t in the market for shells.
After I got back exploring from the buggy ride my legs and feet were pretty swollen and I was getting pooped. Yup! Me, worn out, done in, after twenty minutes! But those chez lounge chairs by the pool were looking really comfy and inviting. And seeing that it was my job post surgery to relax and repair, I decided to take advantage of the complementary services and headed on over to sit on one by a tree, and take in my first day here instead of heading up to my room. What an amazing place this is.
As Indian custom would have it I was greeted by the pool boy who showered me with care and made a special Indian treat.
You definitely won’t want to miss the next blog post and video!
So stay tuned…
And while you’re waiting…
…why not do the ‘DebbyK! Workout In A Box’, above. It’s just one of the many I have designed for those who are limited in space and time challenged. And they’re really keeping me in shape while I’m recovering.
If you have any questions on how to do the exercises then leave a comment below. I will be posting a video of these exercises soon, so keep checking back.
OK, so driving to the Fisherman’s Cove Resort was pretty straight forward. Or so I thought. I mean, I asked the driver, the same one who picked me up from the Airport-who was digging my Extra brand peppermint gum-if he knew where we were going. Yes Mam, he said. So, great, I assumed that meant, yes, Mam, he did.
So off we went. As you saw in my last blog there was tons of traffic getting out of the city. Click here to see me all dressed up on my last day at the Apollo, or if you just need a recap. And to check out how crazy it is driving in India, watch this video of traffic coming head on into us as we are leaving Chennai !
Anyway, after driving for about 20 minutes as we made our way out of the city, we headed towards the beach resort areas. Along this stretch is where the film stars, foreigners, IT execs and the wealthy own homes.
There’s not much traffic, considering the one lane road, but even so the roadside is still lined with vendors, restaurants, and emporiums and lots of neon; as well as stray cows, cats and dogs. Really, we were dodging cattle who were just meandering down the road, just following the crowd. Occasionally they would break into a trot and head into the road. We actually had to dodge them.
I wondered how did they know where they were going. They just seemed to be following the crowd. Nobody tapping their butts or taking an interest in them. And when I looked back everybody was passing them. They were just following the crowd! Well, apparently they had better GPS than my driver…
As I shifted focus back onto the road I noticed that even along this stretch, away from Chennai, the buses were packed with commuters coming from the city. I mean, packed is an understatement. Absolutely NO room. And everyone was just frozen into position once on the bus. But no matter. I don’t know how they did it but they would just make room at every stop for more people.
And it seemed like nobody ever got off the bus…only on. So whoever is standing at the door just pulls the person in. I mean the doors are closing and folks are just yanking bodies in, arms still hanging out the door. Packed… in 100 degree weather. Having good breath control would definitely be an asset here.
I bet we’d seldom see that in the U.S.. We’d just wait for the next train or bus; or we’d be driving by ourselves in our minivan!
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
So, we’re driving along for about 35 minutes and it’s dark by this time and I’m looking at all the signs along the road. They were all really interesting to me. And it’s also dark by this time. There’s also tons of visual stimulation and you either have to know where you’re going or be looking in 3 places at once, while driving. Well, I’m glad my driver was keeping his eyes on the road.
Anyway, right then is when I notice an overhang sign that says ‘Taj Vivanta’. It was obscure because every few feet there’s an overhang sign advertising resorts and restaurants, or whatever; and likewise, the roadside realty is littered with signs on the left hand side too. (Remember, it’s opposite over here in India). So you can pass your destination turn if you’re not sure of where exactly it is your going.
Hmmm! I thought, maybe we’re here. So I ask my driver how long it will take to get there, and he says about an hour. Ok!… Maybe not.
Anyway, back to that sign I saw. There were some smaller words underneath that I could barely make out, but what I thought to be “Fisherman’s Cove”, the name of the resort. But I could have just imagined that, wanting it to say Fisherman’s cove. But my gut feeling was like, it was Fisherman’s Cove, and I thought… we missed the turn!
Not wanting to think my driver doesn’t know where he’s going, or give the impression that a hippy chick, who’s never been to India-but has great intuition-does, I cheerfully say, after seeing the sign, ‘So, have you been here before?’.
He says: NO!
Okee-Dokee! Thinking that there may be some other sign that is will jump out and say ‘Turn here for first timers’, I perk up a bit and have this inkling to pipe up and say, ‘Turn…back there’!. But I don’t, wanting to believe I can just relax; that he knows where he’s going. I mean he’s the driver after all, and this Apollo-to-Fisherman’s Cove transfer has been set up by the international coordinators at World Med Assist. So the driver must know where he’s going, right?
Well, after another 10 minutes he stops on the side of the road and leaves me in the car. ‘Right back’ he says. He dodges traffic, chats it up for a few moments with some men, dodges more cars coming back, and hops back in.
Meanwhile, even though I’m wearing those fashionable TED stockings for circulation and to prevent an embolism from sitting too long, my legs, feet and butt are starting to swell.
So, we make a U-turn India style, right into head on traffic, and head back. He says it’s back in the other direction about 5K and apologizes for wasting my time. Well, yes, I would have liked to have been at the Resort where my leg could be up and I was filling my hungry belly with some fresh seasonal fish;especially when check in was at 2pm and it was now pushing 7pm. But oh well. He got me here safely. And here in India I was learning to just ‘go with the flow‘. Nothing we can do to change anything now.
However, piping up was prudent at this point and so I put in my .02$ and said that I had seen a sign that said ‘Taj Vivanta’; and Fisherman’s Cove was a Taj Resort… so I would be sure to point it out to him.
Well, he was pretty surprised that I even saw the sign. But hey, I’m on an adventure and I’m looking at, and for, everything I can. And I just had this gut feeling from the beginning that I should be on the lookout.
So keeping my eyes out I piped up again when we approached it, and we made the turn…into a long stretch of darkness; what would be my paradise for the next five days. What I was expecting was a nicely paved road with well lit signs guiding us into my Shangri La.
Um, well…thank goodness for the late model Toyata minivan I was in and it’s superior shock absorbing suspension. Because with all the lumps and bumps in the road it literally saved my a#@!
But within moments we pulled into the land of OZ.
Here’s a video of my room, and a glimpse of what lies behind the curtain!
Oh!…and the beautiful gift I got from the Taj.
Oh! And a picture of my friend Chef Manas Mallock,
My good friend Chef Manas Mallick at Bayview resteraunt, Fisherman's Cove, Taj Vivanta
the Bay View restaurant,
Bayview Resterraunt at Taj Vivanta, Fisherman's Cove. First night, first mealBoulibaise at BayView Resteraunt at Fisherman's Cove, The Taj
and my first meal, that was so yummy and to die for; and for which I’m desperately trying to score the recipe.
Yummy veggies to order in olive oil, from Chef Manas Mallick, Fisherman's Cove Resort
So stay tuned for Day 7, where my Emerald City of Healling awaits…
Thank you everyone for your support and kind loving words. You are my motivation. You are all helping me heal.
Last night was soooo much better What an improvement. I was able to sleep on my non- op side and even got into that position without having to be ‘tucked-in’ to bed by the nurses. I mean, yeah!, it’s nice to have turn down, but it’s so nice to have this little bit of normalcy back in my life, like getting into bed by myself.
And here’s something else that was pretty normal; Reading myself to La La Land. Last night I was craving a good read and was able to read myself to sleepiness. Now, that’s getting back to normal-ness! So I was blessed to be able to read my book for an hour.
I slept for about 2-3 hours and then, all by myself, I was able to turn on my back, and doze in and out until about…you guessed it… 630AM!, when the nurse came to take my BP and temp…again. Can’t wait til that is over. I mean, by now I would think that they know I’m alive!
Speaking of alive! When I first arrived at the Apollo and they were taking my heart rate and pulse during the intake, after having been run around the hospital for all those pre-op tests. And they were alarmed by my heart rate and pulse readings and said I was abnormal, and that they would have to give me medication. I was like, WHAT? What are my readings?
HA! get this: My HR was 44 and my pulse was 46. This is NOT my waking up metrics either. These were the mid-day numbers. The nurse was concerned and left. And when she came back she said they would give me meds to get my heart rate up!. I was like, “NO Your NOT going to put me on anything like that. These are normal readings for me. My waking pulse is often 36bpm-38bpm. Forty four is not uncommon for me. Please, check with the Doctors. I’m athletic. I have a happy and healthy heart!!”
Well, after some explanations and background of what I did on a daily basis they finally got it, and said they had never had a patient who had such low readings.
Things You Do On Check Out Day!
And, what a far cry from the last week: Last night I was actually cold upon falling asleep and even had to ask for two sheets, the AC turned down, and a towel put over my chest and shoulders. This is a sign telling me that my body is starting to regulate its metabolism; normalizing itself from all the meds and anesthesia that were pumped through me. I was told that all those crazy buckets of sweat that I was pouring out were partly due to my body purging itself of all the toxins.
And… when I got up…, yes!, I am regular, again. Maybe a bit too much information, but for those of you Hippy’s out there or anyone else who is having surgery you will totally understand.
However, my body is still bloated like a fish. What a weird feeling.
But I know in a few weeks I won’t look like a Macy’s Day Parade balloon!
Then I did my exercise routine which took about 20 minutes. There is no Physio today because I’m leaving and there is so much else on the schedule for checkout!
And here’s my Happy Halloween Treat for all of you who are still looking for an outfit… This is my walking outfit that I wore on Day 5 that I forgot to post in my last blog. And please…don’t steal my outfit for Halloween. It’s an original!
Do you like my slippers?
Check, Please!
So, although there was a lot to get get through before I left, it was a pretty relaxed checkout.
First, I had a visit from the international patient coordinator. I gave her great reviews and told her that if I had all the money in the world I’d come back to Dr. Bose for surgery. In fact, I was told that the Apollo Platinum ward is a VIP ward. So it makes sense that even if I had all the money in the world I would still come here to be healed!
BTW: This is also this is a Specialty hospital for cancer and many in this wing were here for cancer treatments.
Next I was visited by the dietician again. We discussed things I may want to wean myself back on to.: like nuts. Bummer. I was ready to dive in and munch away. But she said only about 3-5 a day to start. And to think I brought a pound and a half with me!. Well, I don’t want to mess up what’s working, so I’ll go slow. That seems to be the mantra from Dr. Bose too… Balance, Deborah! I can still here his voice…
SIDE BAR: Regarding coconut oil for those of you who may follow a Paleo method of eating and will be traveling to India for surgery, or pleasure for that matter. You can eat Paleo style. But many here are concerned about cooking with it. “It’s bad for my heart”!! they tell me. “Well, yah! If you’re eating tons of Omega 6’s and sugars and processed foods, then, yes it is. But if you’re eating whole foods, no processed foods, no added sugars, and exercising, then cooking in small amounts of coconut oil is fine”, I tell them!
But buyer beware in India. As it turns out the first few days that I was having them cook my omelet in coconut oil little did I know that it was 2nd press. As it turns out it is difficult and very expensive in Tamil Nadu, as well as other regions, to get 1st press coconut oil. It’s very expensive. So they cook with olive oil and vegetable oil, and of course butter. When I found this out I opted for no coconut oil, and just some olive oil with my veggies and grilled fish. I mean, I really needed fat.
So, I’m not sure if the dietician was concerned because she knew it was 2nd press or that she just thought coconut oil, even organic virgin, was bad for you. I got that from many Indians here; that coconut oil had way too much cholesterol and you’d die of a heart attack.
Apparently there is a big drive from the Ministry of Health to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure and obesity, all which are creeping into their society.Hmmm! I wonder why? Could it be the full page adds for Chinese food and pizza and Western style treats that have infiltrated the Indian homes, and are advertised in all the local papers? Just like the U.S. of A!!
So If you are sticking to Paleo, and you prefer coconut oil, make sure you ask them what oils they are cooking with. And if you ask for coconut oil, make sure to ask for 1st press, unrefined. In fact virgin coconut oil is abundant in some and non existent in others. Every region is different. So make sure you ask.
The Final Hour
Dr. Bose finally made his rock star appearance. And this is exactly how I feel when I see him. I grow weak and am often lost for words. Although he would probably beg to differ on that one.
The TEAM, who put Humpty Dumpty back together again! Dr. Bose, immediate right of me
Actually his entire team that was there during my surgery and helped with my recovery, came in to see me off. Dr. Bose went over all the post op meds, set me up with my Xrays, Echo, CD of my films, and a goody bag filled with bandages and rubber gloves; as well as some notes and documents for the airlines, so I wouldn’t find myself on the NO FLY list as I beeped my way through the gates.
Then he gave me general post op flying procedures:
Drink lots of water every hour.
Get up and walk every hour.
Do your leg exercises every hour.
Rinse and Repeat.
He was kind enough to do this little exit video for me:
The great thing about going on a medical vacation is that World Med Assist coordinated all of my transfers; from landing in India to shuttling me to Taj Vivanta Fisherman’s Cove resort. So all I had to do was wait for my driver to arrive.
Within a few moments after Dr. Bose had left they said my driver would be here soon. I thought I’d have about an hour, which is much needed when hobbling. So Durga, my buddy, helped me pack up. Since I was going to be on my own I strategically packed my bags so that I could get at things easily for the first few days at the resort
I am so positive and happy. Those of you who are my close friends know that I was going through a tough period. The pain of an arthritic hip and not being able to do what I love athletically, which affects my profession as a trainer, can bring you down emotionally and drown your spirit.
But I feel so different now. Months before I left for India I just let it all go; I gave myself over to my hip, Dr. Bose, and India. And when I did that it was like a weight was lifted from me. I knew this would be an emotional journey as well as one that would free me to move forward, take action and start a new life; physically, emotionally and spiritually.
In fact, it may seem odd, but I have not missed home while being here. Because home right now is here. Not to say that to hear from my family and friend and long lost acquaintances and high school buddies hasn’t been wonderful and instrumental in my healing. Because it has. Thank you all so much. I love you!
But I am here in India; She has become my home since I stepped off the plane; and I am focusing only on the present. And when I leave, India will be in my heart and soul forever; India, Dr. Bose, the Apollo, and all the friends I have made here.
With that said, I will miss everyone here at the Apollo. And as much as I thought just four days ago that I wouldn’t be ready to be without my Apollo ‘A’ Team, I am ready to move on. Besides, I really need to feel a sea breeze and breathe some clean air, and not have my arm yanked and pulled every 6 hours!
So, with happy face, I said my goodbyes and was off.
I didn’t leave until 5pm.
Late check out. But hey, no extra charge!
My journey is just beginning. Can you tell by the smile on my face?
DebbyyK! Saying good bye to the dancing statue
Here’s some pictures of me leaving the Apollo:
Me and Durga. She was such a great caregiver and friend. I miss her..
And then it was off to Fisherman’s Cove Resort
Stay tuned for part 2 of Day 6. You won’t want to miss this. It’s where the magic begins…
With much love,
Your Trainer, Friend, and sometimes Personal Shopper
One thing I especially liked about these pillows is that they’re really versatile. I mean not only were they great for the plane, where I could place them underneath my butt, against the small of my back, behind my neck, and against the hard side when lying with my butt against the arm rest. But at home they are great for reading in bed and propping yourself up and supporting your neck.
So I decided to put together a long awaited products and equipment page on this website that I’ll continue to update.
And if we will be using certain equipment or products for a workout or recipe I’ll make sure to have the links directly on that blog post, for your convenience.
So click on over here to check these pillows out. The blue C Curve neck pillow would make a perfect holiday gift, along with a book or cozy blanket; or maybe even a plane ticket to that favorite tropical island you want to bring your sweetie to!!
Remember, I try everything out before I suggest them to you. I know it’s only my opinion, but I rarely guarantee something. And I guarantee you will not be disappointed with these finds.
I’ve already had three people who have bought them based on my experience. If you do happen to get one or all of these, let me know how you like them and be sure to leave a comment for all the other readers too!
Thanks you guys!
Your Trainer, Coach, Friend, and now Personal Shopper!!
It’s Sunday here in India. Surgery was last Tuesday and I can hardly believe I am 5 days post op. Sundays are pretty quiet outside my hospital window… I noticed a lot less traffic and honking. Really I never thought I’d get used to all the noise.
I mean, it’s not like one or two cars are blowing their horns. It’s a parade of musical beep! beeps!; from every car, bus, Tuk Tuk, bike, motorbike; and at every moment, all night long, at different decibels…It’s like a symphony tuning up their instruments…but for the entire symphony! You never get to that quiet moment just before the first note plays.
So it is in India… in the streets, with the traffic, with cars. They just keep a honkin’ and a honkin…!
But it’s more like they’re talking to each other. It’s really the way they communicate on the road. As a passenger, I eventually began to understand just how this language works and how they’ve created a system that works for them.
Like when there is a red light, they don’t sit idling. They turn off their engines and wait patiently. And the honking subsides for a moment….But just for a moment! As soon as traffic starts moving ahead, even if we are still stopped, the honking begins.
In the US people would be getting out of their cars and shooting each other!
HA! Now, the boom box noise up and down my street in Oakland won’t seem so bad!
1001 Nights
OK! Well that’s what ONE night feels like right now.
I’m sure those of you who have had major surgery can relate to the emotional ups and downs and the waxing and waning of pain. It’s been a ride so far.
I’ve never had a problem actually sleeping. I’ll admit I go to bed too late most nights and wake up too late. And I love to read for over an hour before I close my eyes. It brings me to another place. Then I get really sleepy and just zonk out. Once out I usually sleep til morning.
Not to mention I’ve always been a warm sleeper. Even as a kid. My metabolism is pretty high and I’ve always tended to get warm during the night, throwing off my sheets a few hours after falling asleep.
But surgery brings a whole new meaning to sleeping. For me the nights are the worst and as the night approaches my body becomes restless from the days of inactivity, belly full of food and plumbing that doesn’t quite work as it should.
Let me give you a snap shot of how the nights go. Because these are my most challenging times.
Sleep never really comes. I try to meditate before I fall asleep, thinking about things apart from my body; places I’d like to be, or ideal places I’ve been which make me calm. Like swimming in the rock quarries in Rockport, Mass.
So I try not to think about my body;Â where my right leg is unable to move, where I’m stuck in one position, where even the slightest twitch of my op leg solicits a burning pain.
What happens is that I end up falling asleep for a bout 2 hours. Then I’m awake, my body drenched, and I”m lying in a pool of sweat.
Once I’m awake I become aware of how constricted I am, being unable to move about, and I become claustrophobic. I ring for the nurses. They graciously come to my side and ask how they can make me more comfortable. The only solution, which helps for a few hours, is to change the linens, reposition me, and try for a few more hours.
So each night has been like this. Broken sleep, less than 8 hours. Long nights.
Finding Normal
Last night I got about 7 hours of broken sleep. I will say there was less pain than the previous nights and the pain level is about 50% better. As much as I will miss the nurses here at Apollo I believe the Fisherman’s Cove Resort will be much better for me. I’ll have a big queen bed, no plastic bedding, a pillow buffet, along with the sounds and the breeze of the Bay of Bengal.
With that said, after finally getting out of bed at 10AM I successfully went to the bathroom (Yoo-hoo!), washed up, put on some shorts (looking quite stylish over my TEDS),
Day 5_DebbyK!_Body finally starting to morph back
and began my morning regime. It takes me about 20 minutes or so and here’s what the workout looks like:
Table pushups 20
Walker pushups 15
Walker dips 15
3 Rounds
Green Band Chest/Rear delt pulls 20 X 3
Green Band one arm shoulder presses (alt arms) X 3
Green Band Side Lat raise (alt Arms) X 3
Green Band Bicep curls (Alt Arms) X 3
I also walked around my room with the walker and cleaned up and moved things around. It’s funny to think about, moving things around as activity. Just these small things makes you begin to feel normal again.
Next I asked the pantry if they’d be kind enough to make me a protein shake with my Green Vibrance, nuts, mango, whey protein powder, ice and water. I also had some veggies and an omelet and a hard boiled egg. I was trying to get as much good fats as I could for healing and they weren’t allowing me nuts yet.
The shake hit the spot…
I feel a bit more like Debby today too. And even though my body is still swollen (your should see my legs, both of them), surprisingly enough I can still see some upper abs and there is a bit less water retention. But I’m not worried. My body will slowly bounce back, I’ll build more muscle, and again, train to get back into the best shape of my life. New life, new goals, new inspiration.
BTW: In India, the doctors and PT work on Sundays. At least in the Platinum ward at the Apollo.
And I have heard that this is the place that the elite of India come to get mended. I’m still waiting to see some famous Indian movie stars!
But all kidding aside Dr. Bose’s assistant, Dr. Bis, came in to check on me, and we decided to put me on a week of anti imflamatory, called Etoshine 90, instead of Ibuprofen, which will help bring down the swelling. I only have to take it once a day and it works for 24Â hours. Much better than Ibuprofen.
I asked Dr. Bis about the numbness in my pelvic area and my right op leg, up near the groin. And what he told me was something like that in order to keep my body anchored to the table, while they’re yanking, cutting, and pulling at my femur and hip, they tape these blocks to me and they have to, like, I’m imagining, press them into me. So there’s some bruising. It’s like someone took a bat and socked me hard with the blunt end. Not a pleasant feeling. And coupled with the numbness it’s just plain weird!
But he assured me that the swelling around my groin area is normal and will go down as I begin to move more. And sorry, no pictures. You’ll just have to take my word on this one!!!
Downs and Ups and Getting the Toxins Out
Being on the other side of surgery is such a trip. You can wake up and hardly move, your muscles screaming. But each day gets better and better by the hour, and I’m finding that 12 hours makes such a difference. And by this evening a lot of my pain (we’re talking relative here!) had subsided.
I can’t wait to see how much better I’m feeling and what I can do by tomorrow!
On the flip side I think my body is waking up and rebelling against all the anesthesia, drugs and toxins they pumped into my body. Under normal circumstance my body is extremely clean. I eat whole foods; no sugar or grains. I take no drugs and use no pain killers, even when I go to the dentist. I don’t drink alcohol or take any medications. I basically stick to Caveman/Paleo lifestyle (OK! well I still do some Splenda!) So all of this stuff pumped through me for four days was a huge shock to my body.
So that might explain why nausea had started to overcome me and I had this lingering nausea all day long. It was like I was floating outside of my body. And I never, ever have nausea. I felt like I should eat again in the afternoon to keep the protein coming in, but I was so full from the last few days, even though I finally became regular, that the thought of eating another bite made me, well, nauseaus!
Then in the afternoon the dietician popped in to check on me. I wish I had a picture of her because she always looked so elegant in her colorful sari’s. And I have to admit, she does a great job of making sure you’re getting what you want to eat. But believe it or not it is still a very ‘western’ plan that they push, with carbs being the main source of ‘energy’ to get you better. I don’t do well with grains since they upset my stomach but I got the push for rice and grains again.
I politely declined and said I was fine, that I had been eating my way for many many years, and as long as I got my eggs, fish, and veggies, enough fats, some fruit in my shake, all would be good. I was talking to someone who at first didn’t understand why I would want to eat so many veggies for breakfast, without carbs like rice to go along with, and believed that only carbs gave you energy. Well, I wasn’t going to go all caveman and Paleo on her…….but finally she was OK if I was OK!
NOTE: From what I’ve seen and heard here in India, there is a lot of snacking at home going on with American packaged foods and a push from the Ministry of Health for more exercise and less eating of carbs. In fact, many of the nurses were inspired by what they called my ‘fitness body’ and asked for a program to help them get into shape. Right on!
But it’s all good. Because at the Apollo they want you to be happy and they’ll make your food to order if what is on the menu doesn’t jibe your dietary needs. So, for dinner I was craving something light, like soup. My friendly pantry server (below, left) said the choice was cream of tomato or some other cream soup.
Everyone eats cream in their soup and purees all the veggies. He asked me what exactly I would like. So I suggested a vegetable broth with vegetables. They did a great job: a broth with spices and finely chopped celery and carrots. Kinda like chicken soup without the chicken. It hit the spot and did the trick.
Veggie Soup at the Apollo Hospital
I had 3 bowls!
Where else can you get made- to-order meals while recovering from major hip surgery. This place is heaven!
But by Day 5 I was also itching to get beyond these four walls. Although I felt like I might not be ready for Fisherman’s Cove and on my own, I new that I’d be well taken care of at the resort and kept envisioning myself walking on the beach. I thought about sinking my swollen toes into the sand and cooling my feet off in the ocean.
That day will be here soon…
So, stay tuned.
And in the meantime try out my workout at home, in your hotel room, at the park or even at the gym. It’s getting me back into shape with very little time commitment.
Be sure to leave a comment.
You can also tweet me@debbykfitness and friend me on Facebook. The Facebook button will be coming soon!
Thank you everyone for all your kind words and support, tweets and Facebook comments…
Day 4. It was a ‘regular’ day. Hurray! Well what I mean is, if you’ve ever had anesthesia, and have been pumped full of fluids and pain meds, you’re probably not!
Regular that is…if you get my drift!!
Ha! Finally…
But, still, I’m not getting much sleep and just accept this for what it is. It’s got to get better, right? Last night was better, but still pretty hard.
Instead of sleeping with the bed raised, my PT, Pondian, suggested I might try and lower it a bit. So I started with the bed at about 30 degrees angle. I’m not sure at this stage in recovery that I will truly find that optimal sleeping position since the sweating and ripping pain in my thigh poke their heads in at their convenience. It’s like someone tapping you on the shoulder every 2 hours and asking you “do you feel that?”
But I sure do hope I find it soon. I just keep imagining being me three or four weeks from now. But really, wouldn’t it nice to have a remote like Adam Sandler had in the movie ‘Click? Remember that? How cool would that be, to be able to fast forward your recovery and wake up 10 days later at the Fisherman’s Cove Resort!
Trying to forget about my body was what I needed. Someone and/or something to take me away from it all. I remembered that I had downloaded Peggy Huddleston’s Healing tapes to my iPod, so I turned to her for some meditation and relaxation techniques. It really helped. I replayed it at least three times, following her cues which helped me to relax my entire body, while the sound of a heart beat thumped in the background.
I bought this at a suggestion from others who have been in my same situation. I highly recommend this CD set, even if it’s just to get away from the daily grind and there is no surgery pending. The heart beat alone lulls you into another world. I’ve made it really simple and attached the link where you can pick this up at a great price:
It really relaxed me and lulled me into sleep, at least for a couple hours!
I know this discomfort can’t possibly last, no way….
But hey, I have a new hip and I know this just comes with the package.
Swimming Anyone?
At 2AM I woke up. My legs were swelling and I was sweating buckets again, and my stomach distended and in a lot of discomfort.
I was sopping, so I rang my bell and I asked the lovely kind nurses to change the sheets. BTW: The nurses were there in less than a minute. And As I waited for them to change the linen, I went from the inconvenient sleeping position of my bed, to the possible, yet very uncomfortable option of sitting in a chair. You know, the one that I was doing here, in Day 2. So I hung out as best as I could, leaning onto the good side of my tush and waited til I could hobble back into bed.
Since I was off pain meds and wanted to keep that ways so I could start getting the toxins out and stay regular (sorry if too much information), I asked for some Ibuprofen. Actually it’s what the nurses finally suggested, after first trying to pump me with more Ultracet /(Tramidol).
But I just didn’t want that sick-to-my-stomach feeling, and nausea, that has been plaguing me throughout the day; and plumbing problems to boot. And the Dr. suggested I try to get off the pain meds if I could. I wasn’t exactly in pain if I didn’t move. It was the fact that I couldn’t move, other body parts were getting numb and sore, like my heels, and if I tried to move the pain at the incision felt like it was tearing and ripping. But a good NAISD would certainly do the trick. So I held my ground, and got the Ibu.
There has also been an issue with getting enough cold packs, after asking for a few days. Finally, I think it was Dr. Biss, Dr. Bose’s assistant, said they could get me the gel packs that you can freeze, like the two I brought with me. That was during the day when he came to visit. But it seemed like hours before they actually could find them from the hospital.
So for those of you on your way to the Apollo, either bring a few that you can rotate around the clock, or ask them to bring some down from the hospital. Otherwise you get the old brick kind.
And on Day 8 I did come to find from the doctors at Apollo that there is another NSAID that relieves pain and is better than Ibuprofin. I’m not sure why the nurses couldn’t give it to me. I could be because it’s an Rx and they need the doctors signature. It’s called Etoshine 90.
So if you’re coming to India or getting surgery or in pain and already take Ibuprofin, you may want to look into this, but do your research first.
Good Morning, Sunshine
At 6AM, right on schedule, lights go on, cuff around my arm, pressure building up in my bicep and thermometer under other arm as the daily regime of tests continues. Hmmm! Just wondering…how is it really possible to get good sleep around here unless you go to bed at 8pm! Hard to do when dinner is served at 7:30pm. But it’s par for the course and of course compulsive me I has to ask for my metrics…and all was perfect, by the way!!
After that doozy of a night I slept in ’til 9:30AM
For this morning PT I was walking much better, felt better than Day 3, and walked up stairs. On Day 3!! Look at me now…:)!
And that afternoon I was walking at a much faster snails pace. And then after PT was over I didn’t feel like getting back into bed so I started doing stuff around my room.
First I went to the bathroom. Then, since I was just a few steps from the kitchen, I ‘crutched’ myself over there. And after walking around in the little kitchen area I felt pretty capable so I just started doing stuff…
Next I made Tea. And it’s easy to do with these cool ninja tea makers that everyone has. You just add a bottle of water, click a switch and in 1 minute your water is done. They need these in the US!
Then I brought stuff over to my bed. For instance, my coffee mug that has a seal-able lid, that I brought with me from the US. It’s great. You can basically dump it upside down and nothing will spill. Like a sippy cup for grown ups! Not a plug, but you can get it at Smart and Final store!
After that I did more band exercises, pushups against the table, and dips on my walker. I was on a little roll…
Oh, and check this out: I can lift myself out of bed using my triceps. You know, like how gymnasts lift themselves up a few inches when they are doing floor exercises, with with their feet out. But of course I can’t keep my leg straight and lift both my leg and my body off the bed. What I can do is get to the side of the bed easier by using my triceps muscles and maneuver myself to the side of the bed and then lift myself up when my feet are hanging off the side of the bed. Good for the core too.
Aaaaand! Almost forgot: I put on my pants by myself tonight after graduating to real clothes this afternoon. I’m out of the hospital gowns and can wear my own cotton tank that I sleep in at home. I brought my JPL tank top, the one I got from my little brother when he worked at JPL in Pasadena. It keeps me close to him. I know his spirit is close by and his energy is helping me heal
And check out my PM PT session:
Day 4 of hip surgery is generally your first shower day. For some reason I waited til the afternoon. Mmmm! It felt so good to be fresh and clean. Feeling fresh after 3 days of not showering and sweating a tsunami can make anyone’s attitude change for the positive. I’m much cheerier and people are noticing.
Dinner was fish again with classic Indian spices, made to order, with my veggies, but I was too full to finish it all. Going from being extremely active and burning thousands of calories during a day to hardly moving my body doesn’t know how to digest all of this food. I sure do hope my body is using it to rebuild me and make me strong.
And after dinner I turned on the TV which I thought I’d never do. But I needed some diversion and I don’t watch it back in the States. So this was a treat to get to watch the European and Asian news channels, which were in English.
A Matter of Time
I do have to say that the fist three nights post op were not tear free. It is an emotional ride and pain can bring anyone down, no matter how brave and strong. So I just let the tears come when they do and know it will get better and consider it as a natural detox for my mind and body, knowing it too will pass and I will become myself again.
Same said for my body . It has morphed into something and someone I don’t recognize. But I look in the mirror and there I am, DebbyK. Strong, dedicated, motivated, and someone who never gives up. I can train my body back into it’s fit lean self.
I am still visualizing walking at Fisherman’s Cove resort, where I will be going next; and doing things myself. From what I accomplished on my own today I believe I will be able to do most everything soon, except maybe driving and laundry and grocery shopping.
And when doing my exercises I visualize my shiny new BHR doing it’s job. I can’t wait to see what I can do 1 week from now.
I know and believe I will come back stronger, and slowly my body will morph back. I consider this just another challenge; and what an exciting challenge. I mean, hey, I can build my body into anything I want again. It’s all up to me. I have thirty years of knowledge in the fitness and wellness industry behind me, so there’s no stopping me now!
And over the past several months all of the new systems I’ve been using, like TRX, Kangoo Boots, Ultimate Sandbag, have been new ways to train my body. And I’m really excited to create some great new workouts using my own body weight and these new innovative systems to get back into shape and prove that you don’t necessarily need a gym to get the body you want. For the first 6-12 weeks it will be mainly my body weight, TRX, bands and maybe the Sandbag with minimal weight for Core only.
But no worries! These are workout you will be able to do too. And I promise that they will get you into shape. Just follow my progress after surgery, you’ll see…!
All you need is YOU! OK! And me and my blog to help you through!!
So stay tuned and follow my blog and follow my workouts. Because if I can do it after a hip surgery, then anyone can. And I’ promise I’ll have some great workouts for you soon.