Hey Your Fit Day Friends!
You’re probably asking ”Hey, hey, where’s DebbyK ?” Well, if you’re getting my newsletters then your in the know.
What? Not subscribed? What the…? Get your crazy self over to my sidebar and click on that link so I can bug you with my my fitness and fat loss tips, and coming to you soon, my yummy recipes.
Kay now!…Â that’s settled…and thanks for subscribing.
So, here’s the four one one on why I’ve been out of touch with my fitness blogging and updates: For those of you who just recently subscribed I’ve had 2 major surgeries in the past year. For the first one I traveled far far away to the beautiful land of India for my hip resurfacing surgery, where they put a shiny new cobalt ball in my hip. That was last October. The 4th to be exact. It’s been a year already, OMG!
Well, thank god I’m not in pain anymore. But I’ll tell you it’s been a big freakin deal trying to get my body feeling normal again. And after a year I”m not nearly as in shape as I was. But that’s because when I got back I had to have another freakin surgery. It’s like I’m under construction from the bottom up. Now I know how Michelangelo felt painting the Sistine Chapel. It’s that painstakingly slow to rehab. So don’t sweat it if you have a bad day with your program. It’s all cumulative. Just keep pluggin’ away. K?
So, first surgery’s down, and then seven months later I had to go under the knife again for shoulder surgery. That’s only five months ago. Have you had shoulder surgery? Well, don’t. It was a BIGGER pain in the A#$ than the first one! Don’t ever get it. Because it feels like somebody’s pounding and drilling into your shoulder with a hammer, incessantly, minute after minute for at least six weeks. Not that I’ve ever had that happen to me, but if I did…hmmm…actually, come to think of it…well, you get the point. OK! I know…not much of an excuse for not blogging.
But don’t worry, while I was gone I was thinking all about you and what would make you feel warm and fuzzy. And considering my condition ( since it’s really hard for me to do fitness videos for you like I promised-and I’m really sorry for not having kept my word- even if I were to make workout videos, seriously, if you did some of the exercises like how I’m doing them now you’d be exercising like a one winged flamingo) I thought it would be in your best interest to wait a bit longer for the kick butt workout videos. So instead, I’m going to make you some yummy stuff to eat.
Well, not actually make you dinner and desert, as in you coming over to my place and having tea and all…
Rather, put many of my yummy healing treats and foods that have helped me keep this body happy, healthy, fit (considering) and lean for the past 30 years – not to mention during my surgeries – here on my blog. No Reservations Required!
Yummy stuff… like savory meals, and gluten free sweets, muffins, pies, cakes and butters.
Yup, you read that right….
And because I’ve been getting so many requests for DebbyK’s Coconut Butter recipes (I have many yummy flavors) I’ve decided to share one of my addictions basic recipes with you. My liquid gold.
Why Butter? Why Not Butter! Yum…
So while I was recovering after my shoulder surgery I began to research more about healing through nature and how our hormones play a big role in regulating our recovery. I knew that good fats, such as Omega 3’s, are vital in our body’s defense against aging and inflammation. But just as important as Omega 3’s are saturated fats. If I wanted to give my body the best chance at a strong recovery I would need more FAT.
… Actually, more saturated fats.
Wait, I know what you’re thinking, that fat’s not good for you, and it will make you..well… fat. Or drop dead. Or both. Especially saturated fat. I’ll die of a heart attack THIS SECOND, right?!
Now that’s ridiculous. I mean our paleolithic friends ate tons of fat… in meat, nuts and seeds. And they weren’t fat. But of course they weren’t sitting at their computers all day checking Facebook, reading blogs and munching on chips (Put those down and keep reading).
Well, that’s another blog altogether. In the meantime a good place to learn about fats, healing, and optimal health through diet is over at Robb Wolf’s website where you can also read up on why we need more of these good fats in our diets. And while you’re there make sure to read up on the the ‘Paleo Lifestyle’.
OkeeDoKee! Back to the fats. Fats such as coconut oil, red palm oil, grass fed butter and ghee, and coconut butter-a saturated fat- are all really good for you and should be the bulk of the fats and oils you use when cooking.
So you’re probably wondering what this here coconut butter has to do with my yummy healthy recipes that I’m putting together for you. Well for one, it’s become my go-to staple fat for much of my baking. And snacking…I don’t lie.
But coconut butter is so delicious that I don’t only use it for most of my general cooking like I’d use butter, plain virgin coconut oil and red palm oil for stuff like stir fry, soups, etc. That would be like melting gold to make one nail and then pounding it somewhere into the frame of your house. You don’t get the real beauty of it. A waste. No Can Do.
Nope.. I eat it by the spoonful…straight from the jar. I want the full sensation of this liquid gold.

But the best is when I warm it up in a double boiler before I dip my spoon into the jar, and wait til it becomes really smooth and silky. And then, as my lips wrap around the spoon and the fat molecules explode in a crescendo of gooey goodness on my tongue, it warms my senses and brings back memories of sticking my fingers into Mom’s gigantic blue-ringed ceramic mixing bowl filled with cake batter…which makes me dip my spoon in for more.
Come to think of it maybe I am an addict.
Oh, I digress…when you make my recipe, coming up in my next blog post, you’ll know what I’m talking about. It really is like eating cake batter or vanilla frosting or even cookie dough. And there are endless other ways to melt into a blissful state while eating this treat: like putting a dollop in tea or coffee; dipping with fruit; or icing cookies, cakes and pies. OH MY!
And not only does it taste good it has many healthy and healing qualities.
Ninja of Oils
Coconut oil is the ninja of oils. Aside from tasting like heaven, check out this laundry list of it’s super duper qualities:
Weight Loss:
Coconut oil is an MCT (medium chain triglyceride). Instead of storing it as fat you burn it as energy. It’s like eating a piece of candy that won’t stick to your thighs. How’s that for liquid gold? It’s a super-food which will make you feel energized after eating it. So don’t be surprised if you start running sprints up and down your office hallways.
Coconut oil stimulates your metabolism, so it helps with energy levels and may help you to burn more calories each day.
Coconut oil, and it side kick the creamy butter, is a key nutrient that has helped many of my clients, including myself, to lose body fat while using the Carb Backloading and/or The Carb Nite Solution: The Physicist’s Guide to Power Dieting (Please not that I will receive a small commission from the sales of these books).
Boost Your Immunity:
Coconut oil has been shown to boost your immunity as well as kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Flu seasons coming, so stock up!
Coconut oil has been shown to kill the Candida Albicans yeast with it’s anti fungal properties.
Healthy Skin:
Coconut oil boosts moisture and elasticity in your skin. I would even consider that an anti aging remedy. Now I’m definitely down for stocking up!
Heart Health:
Coconut oil has been shown to reduce cholesterol and heart disease.
So, Eat Up America! This is one saturated fat you don’t want to miss out on.
Click HERE to get the recipe to my Liquid Gold Creamy Coconut Butter
Enjoy, and and make it Your Fit Day with DebbyK!