I was a lucky kid. Nope, I didn’t belong to a country club, or have extravagant birthday parties, or fly around the country for vacations, or inherit lots of money like some of my friends. Where I lucked out was that I had a dad who had a passion for staying fit. Where I might not have been so lucky is that he pretty much plunged me – along with the rest of my siblings, at a very young age – into the frigid North Atlantic waters of Rockport, Massachusetts…before I could barely walk!

OK, well I might not remember that part exactly. But I do remember quite a bit of time spent in our upstairs bathroom, sitting on the edge of the big standing basin, learning how to blow bubbles and breathe bilaterally out of the side of my mouth, at about age 3. Then he threw me into the ocean!

I never looked back.
Swimming became my passion.
Passion Begets Passion!
I was lucky that my dad had found his passion for fitness and was able to instill his passion in us kids. My dad had found the elixir of health and longevity. Before coming down to breakfast he did his habitual 45 minutes of exercise every morning in his room. He’d pull up the shades, open up the window to let the breeze come through (or in response to the complaints from my mom of the room smelling like a Grecian Roman spa), and set out his towel and weights, and go about his business of doing his version of Pilates: butt kicks, push-ups and pliets, along with various forms of leg lifts that would give even Joseph Pilates and Arnold abs of steel. He really worked up a good sweat.
I was not yet in grade school when I first started watching. Most of the time he never new I was there, crouched low at the door, getting my keyhole perspective on what would become my future career. And if it was my lucky day he’d let me in and hoist me up to the pull-up bar so I could show him my stuff, always eying those dumbbells on the floor.  Sometimes, but not often, he’d let me lift the 5lb weights. So when he wasn’t home I’d sneak back upstairs and pull out those dumbbells and go to town. (Those were the old-school, black painted, real-iron-dumbbells. You know the ones that actually looked like dumbbells).

My father was a real Jack Lelane-type guy. Although he didn’t know it then, I had found my passion, just like him, in fitness.
Unlike most kids today, I was lucky. I had a Dad who was fit, I had parents who cared about our health, and I inherited the ‘Passion for Fitness’ gene.
Why I do it
I was exposed to all sorts of sports at a young age. I competed in age group and high school swimming, took up running at age 14, and tried many other sport as well: Horseback riding, tennis, sailing, gymnastics, riding my bike. But even at the University of Michigan, while competing in cycling, triathlons, and nationally in Taekwondo, I still continued to participate with the Intra Mural water polo club and swim team. I loved the feeling I got every time I entered and exited the water. With all of the sports and activities that I have done throughout the years there is none that I feel as passionate about as swimming. Why? Because it makes me feel great down to my core.
Exercise is my habit. But Swimming is my passion.
Finding your Passion
What if you could find a physical activity to do that made you feel invigorated, warm and fuzzy inside?  Or, after completing your morning or evening workout, something that recharged your batteries and made you feel centered?
Now, what if that activity became a habit you couldn’t live without?
What would you be doing?
When you have found ‘that’, you have found your passion for fitness.
Loving it
It’s about finding something that you are passionate about that will make you move, give you energy and make you feel great. That’s what it’s all about isn’t it?
Feeling great?
It may take you some time to figure it out. But the journey begins with trying out new sports, classes, and groups. I guarantee you this:  there is something out there you will fall in love with. And when that happens, you will create your passion for fitness. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to pass along your ‘passion for fitness’ genes too!
Please watch this video.
Every word from each of these swimmers truly explains my passion for this one sport and why I cannot live without it. I think this sums it up for my Dad too!
I still find it inspiring and I hope you do too. And I hope it will inspire you to find your passion and live a healthy lifestyle and of course, feel great!
It’s why I do it!
So I put you to the challenge to find your passion.
And when you do, let me know…leave your comments.
What’s your Passion!
And Stay ‘Fit4theday’ with DebbyK!