HI Your Fit Day Fans!
First, I want to let you know that there’s a super workout posted at the bottom of this blog and anyone can do it, even if you don’t have a TRX, yet!
I’ve been working away at my TRX training to help strengthen my hip, glutes (butt) and core muscles, before my surgery this fall, and I wanted to update you on my progress. Even if you don’t have a TRX ( I know, it also took me a while to become a convert!) there are variations of all of these exercises you can do using a stability ball, bench, cables at the gym, or a mat. I’ll be sure to update you with some tutorials on variations for those of you who don’t yet have a TRX.
Think Outside The Box (You know…As in Gym)
The beauty of TRX system is that everyone can do the exercises and follow the many routines. However, they can be varied depending on your needs and ability. TRX even has an entire rehab series which, for now, is what my program will mostly be based on. So as I get used to the system and get stronger Ed Le Cara will show me how to increase the load and make the exercise more challenging simply by making micro changes in my body positioning.
I can see how, at times, this can be so much better than a machine at the gym. At the gym you can only increase the load by 5 lbs, unless they have those small weights that you add onto the stack. But they are so inconvenient, since you have to spend an extra few minutes scouting them out.
And then after you find them-if your machine hasn’t been snatched by someone else-and you spend another minute trying to configure them onto the stack while staying put between the pulley system, or you dangle them from the pin in makeshift fashion, they end up bouncing off in the middle of a set. Right? Hasn’t that happened to you?!
With the TRX all you need to do is change your body position just an inch or two while working in any of the three planes, which will either increase or decrease the load.
So for example, if you’re in a position and find it too difficult to make it past a few reps to complete the set then all you have to do is adjust your foot distance from the anchor and…Presto! the movement becomes easier and you can concentrate on your form and breathing and get the work done.
So even in the middle of a set you can make these micro adjustments so the continuity of the exercise, and set programming is not lost. And as you get stronger you can move farther away from the anchor point which is like putting extra weight on a machine. Only now YOU are the machine!
Now that’s intuitive training to me.
And just as examples you can also add weights, kettle bells, and the Ultimate Sandbag into the mix for even a more intense workout. And remember, you can do all of this at home or in a park, anywhere and everywhere.
As I progress I’ll have more workouts for you too!
Fit For My Hip
Here are the first few exercises that Ed Le Cara, the Master TRX Rehab Guru, gave me that literally kicked my butt. They had me going in a sweat in a matter of minutes! The breakdown of my workout is below the videos.
Before I jump into my workout I like to warm up with what I call Running Man’s (Mountain Climbers) for a few minutes. You can also skip rope or do high knee running in place.
Then I will go through this routine on my leg and glute targeted days, as well as another day in between.
For added intensity and to keep your metabolism stoked you can add 30 seconds to 1 minute of skipping rope, high knee stepping, running mans, or even marching in place in between each set. Since my hip can’t take much jumping right now, I have gone from skipping rope to doing ‘running man’ instead, and it still kicks my butt.
The plank exercises I try to weave in throughout my workouts on most days, to work on shoulder and scapula (the wings of your back!) stabilization. You can do regular planks on the mat or using a ball or even a bench or chair.
Note: Start with the lower number of reps until you feel comfortable with the movement. You will feel a burn in your hamstrings for sure!
TRX Beginning Glute/Core Workout
Round 1
Bridge: Hold 10 seconds, lower, repeat 10 reps
Hamstring curl with hip extension: 8-12 reps
Hamstring curl single leg: 5-15 reps
Lunge: 10-15 each leg (Watch video where I did 40 on each leg! My butt, legs, and even the muscles in my feet were burning!)
Repeat this sequence 2-3 times
Round 2
Supine Plank with Pushup: Hold 7-10 seconds for 8 reps, (rest at bottom for 3-5 sec between each plank)
TRX Resisted Rotation (eccentric and concentric) 5 plus, til you fatigue.
Repeat this sequence 2-3 times
This is just the beginning. I have more exercises that I have learned that will get your butt and legs in super shape. And the TRX is ALWAYS working your core, even when you’re not doing the core specific exercises.
OH! Now that the weather is nice I’m toting my TRX to the pool, hooking it up to the lifeguard chair after my swim and deep water pool run, and exploring my core. I just love it that much!

Get with the program!
And be sure to let me know how I can help you by leaving your comment below.
Make it Your Fit Day!
With DebbyK!
P.S.: Remember, I am not in anyway prescribing these exercises to cure any skeletal or muscle problems you may have. And always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program!